There are many funny names that you can call your brothers. Try to think of something that is fitting with their personality. Some ideas on things to call them include, broman, shorty, freckles, or punchy.
Brian Piccolo's brother's names are Don and Joe Piccolo.
No BrotherLee Min Ho has a sister, but not a brother.
there names are what their parents chose to call them when they were born.
Brother Spencer
His brothers names are Tom,Mike,Jimmy and his sisters name is Melissa.
Most call them pastor. Some call them Brother so and so, and some just call them by their names.
The children of your grandfather's brother are your first cousins, once removed. You can also call them by their names.
Some names that Canadians call themselves include Canuck, Canuckian, and Northern.
The daughter of your brother is your niece.
FERGBREATH (save some oodles for me)
Cody Simpson little brothers names is Thomas Jacob Simpson but they call him tom
They call names and hit you
3 names that mean brother are Will , Jake and Ryan 3 names that mean brother are Will , Jake and Ryan
i dont knoe if they're considered "street names" but some people call Anorexia "Ana" and also call Bulimia "Mia".
In Scotland, you would call your brother "bruv" or "brother," similar to how you would in other English-speaking countries.
you can call them, Honey, dear, lovey, or even buddy
Some may call this "drawing names."