Realistic fiction is a sub genre of fiction that contains stories that are fictional, but could have occurred in real life. Films that feature realistic fiction include The Fault in Our Stars (adapted from the novel of the same title, written by John Green), and To Kill a Mockingbird (adapted from Harper Lee's popular novel).
realistic fiction
Realistic Fiction.
Confetti Girl is a realistic fiction.
No. These movies are in many genres based on whether they are a documentary or some sort of fiction with a story that lumps them into drama, comedy or childrens
The genre of the baby sitters club is realistic fiction.
There are :Realistic FictionScience Fiction
Probably realistic fiction.
A book that is fiction, but can happen in real life is a realistic fiction book.
For avid readers there are many genres of books to choose from. One of those popular genres is realistic fiction. Some noted authors of realistic fiction are John Green, Jeff Kinney, and Katherine Paterson.
Here are some good links to help you become a writer. Realistic fiction is just a fiction story that could actually happen, as opposed to science fiction or fantasy.
realistic fiction
Possibly realistic fiction If not, fiction -Peace Out!
There is romance, realistic fiction, mystery/suspense, fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, fairy tales, myths, and poetry.
realistic fiction dude
what are the differences between mysteries and realistic fiction
Some facts with alot of fiction. The special effects are good. The aircraft & ships for the most part are realistic. The action scenes are great.The movie Tora, Tora, Tora has more facts, less fiction. However the aircraft, ships & special effects are less realistic.I like both movies, although both movies have some historical inaccuracies.