well if you want to pretend your a part of the wizarding world and you like to write, there is a website called virtual hogwarts and you create your own character and rp your life through hogwarts.
I believe that both are amazing, both have interesting meanings and storys.. but harry potter is more interesting,, i think that jk rowling took alot more in plotting an while you read all the books each one connects to the other ! i actually think that harry potter is better, and that its more of 'one of a kind' than hunger games , also Harry potter has been there since the 90's and its a life changing story.. my opinion : HARRY POTTER (:
The 7th Harry Potter book is called "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. The movies are the same except they are split in 2 parts. Good book and a good movie. If you have not read the book series, you have some reading to do! Unless you read them you will understand nothing. Good luck
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley's only daughter was named Lily Luna Potter, after Harry's deceased mother, Lily, and their good friend, Luna Lovegood.
tension in harry potter is created because there is a really good and scary story line.The way they make the film with the events that happen in harry potter create lots of tension.
If you are a good reader then no, if you sren't such a good reader then it is
google or gamestores such as "game".
The Harry Potter games are titled the same as the movies. (ie. there is a Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie and game... im pretty sure there is one for all the movies that are out.) you can get them at Walmart, E.B games etc. or rent them at Rogers. In my opinion, the games are not very good and you get bored of them pretty fast.
There are lots of Harry Potter websites. Such as Mugglenet, Leaky Cauldon and of course the official Pottermore. There are countless numbers of Harry Potter Role Playing Games and even more fan fictions. See the Related Links for Harry Potter websites.
There is nobody with that name in Harry Potter.
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the password was pure-blood.
Answers.com has summaries of the Harry Potter books. Other good websites are MuggleNet and the Harry Potter Wikia.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was FANTASTIC!
a good book for a good book report is The Harry Potter Series and The Hunger Games trilogy
Yes, Harry Potter is a very good example of a protagonist.
Moral of the Harry Potter stories is - good conquers all !
The book Harry Potter is one of my favorites, so yes, in my opinion, it is good. But you will have to decide for yourself whether you like Harry Potter or not. If you mean the character Harry Potter, yes, he is one of the leaders of the good guys.
Harry means athletic and good with his hands