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The "whole tones" in music are most easily defined in the key of "C", due to the piano being the most commonly played musical instrument.

On a piano, all of the "white" keys are whole tones, some separated by semi-tones, as shown by the "black" keys.

In an octave, one will find seven "whole" tones, with eight in total due to a repetition of the starting tone at the end.

There are five "semi-tones" (black keys) in between in each octave, after the first, second, fourth, fifth and sixth whole tones.

"middle" C on a piano is ~260hz, while the ending tone on the octave is double this, at ~520hz, and each "whole" note interval in between progressively and incrementally is staged in between.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The pitch. Like low, high, etc.... Or, in poem terms, i would be the way of the speech. The way they say something.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Music tones are musical pieces that are transformed into simple tones. They can be downloaded to your cell phone to be used as a ringer, alarm or text message alert.

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