when some one says snap crackel pop , just say , well at least i don't get my comebacks from a ceral box.
Well that's more of a comeback than a catch phrase....
if anyone asks you a yes or no question, say "WHY NOT!" in a country accent. All of my friends get a kick out of it.
added by someone else:
I don't know if you know who this is but...
Zach Ryder, WWE wrestler has one of the most epic catchphrases EVER!!!
"WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!" --Zach ryder.
i just love that one.
some celebrities say the same few things in movies, some film stars have a couple catch-phrases they work into the script, its their motiff, something they want to say and its written into the screneplay for them
On Quite Interesting Series 6 Episode 8, "Fashion," it was the catch phrase of guest Clive Anderson. According to host Stephen Fry, "Who are you?" was "one of the biggest catch phrases of the 19th century ... it was used in all circumstances, apparently."
~Melanie~ MelanieAnn. Melster. Melanie 9. Any of them are cute.
Well some people think he's cute some don't but it's your chose so you decide if he's cute or not. Personally I think he is adorable but that's just me so yeah he's cute. P.S sorry if this did not make any sense at all.
There ya go!The character's signature catch phrase was "There ya go!", often received with bemusement or puzzlement by the listener. (One exception was a character played by John Denver; at the end of the show they traded catch-phrases, Denver responding "There ya go!" to McCloud's "Far out!")
Having "catch phrases" will sound very phony and just too cute. Everyone can see you are pregnant and it is a natural part of life. I suggest you just be real.
well one phrase is "cute as a button"
You're beautiful
Lucky in love in Las Vegas
The Best of Brazil is the Brazilians !
Your sole knows it fits
You're not just saving the planet, you're saving YOU!
coughs and sneezes spread diseases
Is a catch phrase. Go on Google.com and type in Catch Phrases and soon enough you will see a site that has Catch Phrases
hot and dangerous!
i lost my teddy bear can i sleep with you Answer Thank you Jesus, for all you do for me, I know you are always with me.
no it's WAPPAHHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!