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The scene where Mushu sits up with his hands out saying, "I live!" is an allusion to Frankenstein. The two "farmer" ancestors are an obvious allusion to the painting American Gothic. When Mushu and Cri-Kee go to get the rocket from the fire work stand, their dark looks and Mushu's deep voice allude to Batman.

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Q: What are some allusions used in the movie Mulan?
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What are some examples of movie allusions in modern literature?

Some examples of movie allusions in modern literature include references to iconic films like "The Godfather," "Star Wars," and "The Wizard of Oz." These allusions are used by authors to add depth and meaning to their writing by drawing on the cultural significance of these movies.

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The allusions are to sleeping beauty when Neo is kissed by Trinity. The bible (you will need to look up this one as I cannot say them all to the depth that they are but for example the rebirth of Neo symbolises baptism. Alice in Wonderland, Alice in the looking Glass, and Superman.

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Mulan used a cannon to trigger the avalanche in the mountains.

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allusions are used when the author wants to make a connection to the outside world, to help people understand the reading better,

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Ping was the fake name she used.

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There are none!

What are the allusions in Hamlet?

Many classical allusions... most important (in my opinion) is the reference to the biblical story of Cain and his murder.

What is a sentence for allusions?

He used many allusions to Shakespeare's work in his everyday conversations.

What are literary devices used in The Crucible?

They are: Atmosphere, Allusions, Irony, Symbolism. But there are more.

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The Wife of Bath makes allusions in order to provide historical or literary references to support her arguments and stories, as well as to showcase her knowledge and intelligence. Additionally, allusions help to add depth and complexity to her character by demonstrating her cultural awareness and education.

Why are allusions used in The Canterbury Tales?

Allusions are used in The Canterbury Tales to enrich the text by referencing other works, events, or people that were well-known to the audience of that time. Chaucer uses allusions to add depth, complexity, and layers of meaning to his characters and stories. It also allows him to engage in intertextuality, connecting his work to a larger literary tradition.