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A beautiful woman who plays a role on the silver screen (TV) in either a repeated genre or in roles that have long screen time.

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Q: What are screen sirens?
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What is a screen sirens?

A screen siren is a beautiful women in movies who usually but not always plays the lead in the same genre . A good example is Veronica Lake who always played the female lead in gangster movies as the bosses moll.

Is there a Roman connection with the sirens?

No, there is NO roman connection with the Sirens.

How do police sirens work?

Police cars have sirens.

Where did the sirens do?

Sirens cause shipwrecks to protect their existence.

What is the ISBN of The Sirens of Surrentum?

The ISBN of The Sirens of Surrentum is 1596430842.

When was Simmons Sirens created?

Simmons Sirens was created in 1989.

When was Sleeping with Sirens created?

Sleeping with Sirens was created in 2009.

When was Sacramento Sirens created?

Sacramento Sirens was created in 2001.

When was Secret of the Sirens created?

Secret of the Sirens was created in 2006.

What is the ISBN of Secret of the Sirens?

The ISBN of Secret of the Sirens is 0192754602.

When was The Sirens of Titan created?

The Sirens of Titan was created in 1959.

When was Saskatoon Sirens created?

Saskatoon Sirens was created in 2012.