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A want for world domination. Being extremely evil.

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Q: What are qualities of a villain?
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What is the possessive form of villain?

The possessive form of the noun 'villain' is villain's.Example: The jury didn't believe the villain's claim of innocence.

Is Finn sharkey from Waterloo road a villain?

Finn Sharkey from Waterloo Road can be seen as a complex character rather than a straightforward villain. He has his moments of making poor choices and getting involved in questionable activities, but he also has redeeming qualities and shows growth and development throughout the series. Ultimately, his actions may not always be admirable, but labeling him solely as a villain may oversimplify his character.

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Black Cat in Spider-Man is a character who has been portrayed as both a superhero and a villain at different times in the comics. She is a skilled thief with a mix of heroic and anti-heroic qualities, making her a complex and morally ambiguous character.

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What is the past tense of villain?

Villain is a noun and does not have a past tense.

How come in films the really evil guys are always called Damien or Dorian?

Damien is actually latin for demon which is a reference to evil. Usually, writers will name the villain in a script after "evil" qualities or words.

What qualities should a villain have?

evil , and a bad childhood memory that he/she would want revenge cause of that memory ( example- the joker he never smiled so his dad cut his mouth and cheek in the shape of a smile) .

Who is the villain of Anybody Can Dance?

The main villain is Kay Kay Menon and the other villain is Mayuresh Wadkar

Can a villain kill off another villain?

Yes, it is possible for one villain to kill off another villain, especially if they have conflicting goals or interests. This scenario of one villain eliminating competition or perceived threats is a common trope in many stories and can add tension and complexity to the plot.