

Best Answer

hi my name is ilham i am 9 yrs old and peoples stardoll passwords are



MiZzYFiZzYx1-cant say its my account and i am superstar

annie-may1-cant say it 2




thats it thanks for listening

Why would you post your nickname and passwords online? They are obviously going to hack you, so why bother????

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Q: What are passwords to stardoll members?
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Related questions

How can you get Stardoll passwords that belong to other people?

You cannot have Stardoll passwords that belong to other people.

What are the passwords for steam?

we do not know we are clueless go to stardoll and add me xxbemyhoneyxx

What is GosiaPearline password on stardoll?

You are not allowed to have or ask for other users passwords. Kiki7324

Where is members on stardoll?

under clubs&friends then click members!

Does INN0003 do webcam with stardoll members?

Yes just ask her and she does it on MSN add her

How do you get your club famous on stardoll?

By getting loads of members in.

How do you become a superstar on stardoll for free?

Follow and once they have 50 members they will give out free superstar to all the 50 members so be quick!

How can you get grass for regular members on stardoll?

there use to be a cheat to get free grass if ya want it go to stardoll insiders

Why do some non ss stardoll members have four rooms and blue gifts and stardoll royalty envelopes?

I believe it is because they have been very active on stardoll and have been members for a long time so for their loyalty they became stardoll royalty. I'm guessing.I'm not one but that is the most likely senario.

About how many people play on Stardoll?

more than 27 million people play on stardoll theres a box n the page that says hor manny members on stardoll there are there is 49,074,357 members on stardoll so far. i know cus i am on stardoll Now there are over 51 million users now! ^.^ I am kiki7324 on stardoll! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Over 81 million users as of 10th November 2010. xoxo Rose_Jean (visit me on Stardoll!)

Unwanted stardoll passwords?

Go on to one off the YouTube things or go onto yasmin99yellos profile and the password is mikagray

How can you work for stardoll?

I'm afraid you can't, some users on the other hand have the privilege of writing for the blog, this is because they are some of the oldest members of stardoll and were asked by stardoll.