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an on the surface question starts with a who, where, when, what and under the surface questions are started with why, would, would, what if

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Q: What are on the surface questions and under the surface questions?
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Related questions

What is an under the surface question?

under the surface questions are questions that start with should,would,could.

What are Under-the-surface questions?

Under-the-surface questions are queries that go beyond the superficial and encourage a deeper exploration of thoughts, feelings, and motivations. They are designed to evoke reflection and introspection, often leading to more profound insights and a better understanding of oneself or others.

What is the color and surface temperature of Ascella?

Two questions. See related questions.

HOW DO you GET the answers for your questions?

we answer questions that we under stand and know.

Where are minerals formed?

On the surface or under the surface.

Do some questions get deleted when it's under uncategorize?

No, The questions under uncategorized are where questions go if someone does not know what categorize to put them in and eventually they will go into the proper categories.

What is the term for melted rock under Earth's surface?

Melted rock under Earth's surface is called magma.

How come there are no questions in 'WikiAnswers FAQ Questions'?

Yes, there are no questions in' Wiki Answers >FAQ Questions' category, as you cannot post a question under this category.If 'FAQ Questions' can be grouped under 'Wiki Answers > Categories', then the the appropriate questions you ask can be categorized accordingly.See the related links.

What are the ladder if rocks under the earth surface called?

There is no ladder if (of?) rocks under the earths surface, your question is meaningless.

What are 3 on the surface questions about romeo and Juliet?

Look at the top of this page, just under the question. There you will see "In: Romeo and Juliet". Click on Romeo and Juliet. You will get a list of all the Romeo and Juliet questions on this wiki. Go to page number one and you will see the most common ones.

What is the origin of an earthquake under the surface under the earth?


Is there water on of Mars?

not on the surface but might be some under the surface of the planet...??