Prodigy's Birthday: Dec. 26th
Princeton's Birthday: April 21st
Roc Royal's Birthday: July 23rd
Ray Ray's Birthday: Jan. 6th
Ray Ray and Prodigy's astrological signs are capricorn. Roc Royal's sign is leo. Princeton's sign is taurus. ChaCha!
I am nosipho lobie ad i 46 turning17 this year i want 2 become a yo-tv presenter plz i want for 3 audition but i was nerves ad suddely i did not remeber my lines but now i think i am ready plz guyz my number 0788663869
whoever said that he was a blood and tupac was a crip is a lier because like you didn't know him so don't try it, some people just love to lie and they don't know how to handle their lies and whats on their minds the f@gg0t a$$ lyin 6itch hu answerd dis b4 ain't no biggie or PAC dat guyz a fuccin lyer biggie fucced wit da 6 (crip) and PAC wuzz associated wit da 5(piru aka blood) so don be on dat lyin $h1t 6itch i hope sum 1 u kno see dis an whip yo @$$ punk mutha fuccah He was a blood and Tupac was a crip. Trust me, i knew him.
The cast of Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition - 2006 includes: Marc Abaya as Himself - Judge Jai Agpangan as Herself - Housemate Joj Agpangan as Herself - Housemate Yayo Aguila as Herself - Juror Yayo Aguila as Herself - Presenter Deniesse Aguilar as Herself - Performer Deniesse Aguilar as Herself - Presenter Alex Anselmuccio as Himself - Housemate Camille Antonio as Herself - Team Pinoy Corazon Aquino as herself Junjun Aragon as Himself - Team Philippines, Homeless World Cup Mikki Arceo as Herself - Housemate Linda Backlund as Herself - Housemate Jovit Baldivino as Himself - Performer Kim Balot as Herself - Houseplayer Ryan Bang as Himself - Housemate Ryan Bang as Himself - Performer Ryan Bang as Himself - Second Big Placer Relly Bautista as Himself - Wushu Judge Jaco Benin as Himself - Perfomer August Benitez as Himself - Presenter Fretzie Bercede as Herself - Housemate Fretzie Bercede as Herself - Third Big Placer Claire Bercero as Herself - Ex-Housemate Claire Bercero as Herself - Housemate Kathryn Bernardo as Herself - Presenter Joseph Biggel as Himself - Performer Aileen Binuya as Herself - Pediatrician Ryan Boyce as Himself - Ex-Housemate Ryan Boyce as Himself - Housemate Francis Boyce as Himself - Houseplayer Eslove Briones as himself Eslove Briones as Himself - Critic Eslove Briones as Himself - Ex-housemate Eslove Briones as Himself - Housemate Eslove Briones as Himself - Presenter Eslove Briones as Himself - Special Task Velasco Brothers as Themselves - Performer Shey Bustamante as herself Shey Bustamante as Herself - Critic Shey Bustamante as Herself - Ex-housemate Shey Bustamante as Herself - Housemate Shey Bustamante as Herself - Presenter Shey Bustamante as Herself - Special Task Shey Bustamante as Herself - Team Pinoy Clare Cabiguin as Herself - Fourth Big Placer Iza Calzado as Claire Izzy Canillo as Himself - Perfomer Melai Cantiveros as herself Melai Cantiveros as Herself - Presenter Robby Carmona as Himself - Judge Rebecca Chiongbian as Herself - Ex-housemate Rebecca Chiongbian as Herself - Housemate Kim Chiu as herself Kim Chiu as Herself - Big Winner Kim Chiu as Herself - Performer Keith Clark Delleva as Himself - Performer Nan Clenuar as Himself - Housemate KC Concepcion as herself Gabby Concepcion as himself Sam Concepcion as Himself - Perfomer Sam Concepcion as Himself - Performer Yeng Constantino as herself Yeng Constantino as Herself - Critic Yeng Constantino as Herself - Performer Annette Coronel as Herself - Fashion Mentor Jake Cuenca as Kit Kyra Custodio as herself Kyra Custodio as Herself - Ex-housemate Kyra Custodio as Herself - Housemate Kyra Custodio as Herself - Special Task Janice de Belen as Herself - Juror JM de Guzman as Himself - Performer JM de Guzman as Yves Enchong Dee as Himself - Party Gate Crasher Randy Dellosa as Himself - Psychologist Randy Dellosa as Himself - Resident Psychologist Robi Domingo as Himself - 2nd Big Placer Robi Domingo as Himself - Host Tom Doromal as Himself - Ex-Housemate Tom Doromal as Himself - Housemate Mich Dulce as Herself - Judge Alec Dungo as Himself - Ex-Housemate Alec Dungo as Himself - Housemate Andi Eigenmann as Herself - House Player Josef Elizalde as Himself - Housemate Josef Elizalde as Himself - Performer Josef Elizalde as Himself - Presenter Edward Ello as Himself - Mababoy Elementary Student Paco Evangelista as himself Paco Evangelista as Himself - Performer Paco Evangelista as Himself - Presenter Rosanna Fajardo as Herself - SGV Ejay Falcon as Himself - Big Winner Mj Felipe as Himself - Juror Maichel Fideles as himself Maichel Fideles as Himself - Ex-housemate Maichel Fideles as Himself - Housemate Yves Flores as Himself - Ex-Housemate Yves Flores as Himself - Housemate Jason Francisco as Himself - Performer Jason Francisco as Himself - Presenter Mcoy Fundales as Himself - Presenter Vice Ganda as himself Vice Ganda as Himself - Judge Aldred Gatchalian as Himself - Housemate Xb Gensan as Themselves - Performer Toni Gonzaga as Herself - Host Toni Gonzaga as Herself - Host Primetime Bianca Gonzalez Beauty Gonzalez as Herself - 4th Big Placer Bianca Gonzalez as Herself - Host Bianca Gonzalez as Herself - Host Uplate Beauty Gonzalez as Herself - Performer Beauty Gonzalez as Herself - Presenter Yong Gopez as Himself - Critic Yong Gopez as Himself - Ex-housemate Yong Gopez as Himself - Housemate Matteo Guidicelli as Kit CT Guyz as Themselves - Performer Jhong Hilario as Himself - Judge Bret Jackson as Himself - Housemate Bret Jackson as Himself - Sixth Big Placer Paul Jake Castillo as Himself - Presenter Kirsten Jane Rice as Herself - MYX VJ Finalist Nikka Javier as Herself - Ex-Housemate Nikka Javier as Herself - Housemate Mojo Jojo as Himself - Judge Mojo Jojo as Himself - Team Teenternational Young JV as Himself - Perfomer Kazel Kinouchi as Herself - Ex-housemate Kazel Kinouchi as Herself - Housemate Sophia Ko as herself Sophia Ko as Herself - Ex-housemate Sophia Ko as Herself - Housemate Sophia Ko as Herself - Housmate Revect Lagarto as Himself - Team Philippines, Homeless World Cup Revect Lagato as Himself - Team Pilipinas, Homeless World Cup Micah Lamar as himself Denise Laurel as Clodet Mikee Lee as Himself - Second Big Placer Mikee Lee as Himself - Team Pinoy Ann Li as Herself - Ex-housemate Ann Li as Herself - Housemate Ann Li as Herself - Housmate Ann Li as Herself - Special Task Rona Libby as Herself - Housemate Rona Libby as Herself - Performer Rona Libby as Herself - Team Teenternational Clodet Loreto as Herself - Ex-Housemate Clodet Loreto as Herself - Housemate Mark Louie Saludes as Himself - Safety Marshall Chino Lui Pio as Himself - MYX VJ Pauline Mae Capacete as Herself - Team Pinoy Chito Maniago as Himself - CEMEX Director Vince Manlapaz as Himself - Ex-Housemate Vince Manlapaz as Himself - Housemate Luis Manzano as Himself - Co-host Luis Manzano as Himself - Kapamilya Deal or No Deal Host Mark Maravilla as Himself - Team Pilipinas, Homeless World Cup Lexter Maravilla as Himself - Team Pilipinas, Homeless World Cup Ferdinand Marcos as himself Olyn Meimban as Herself - Housemate Jessy Mendiola as Karen Joaqui Mendoza as Himself - Housemate Sam Milby as himself Jovic Monsod as himself Jovic Monsod as Himself - Ex-housemate Jovic Monsod as Himself - Housemate Richard Na as Himself - Critic Richard Na as Himself - Ex-housemate Richard Na as Himself - Housemate Richard Na as Himself - Team Teenternational Priscilla Navidad as Herself - Housemate Robin Nievera as Himself - MYX VJ Finalist Jamilla Obispo as Herself - Housemate Mikan Ong as Himself - House Player Jolas Paguia as Himself - Housemate Pamu Pamorada as Herself - Performer Pamu Pamorada as Herself - Presenter Jieriel Papa as Herself - Housemate Rica Paras as Herself - Presenter Angelo Pasco as Himself - Ex-housemate Angelo Pasco as Himself - Housemate Hammid Pasion as Himself - Team Philippines, Homeless World Cup Abdula Pasion as Himself - Team Philippines, Homeless World Cup Hammid Pasion as Himself - Team Pilipinas, Homeless World Cup Fred Payawan as Himself - Housemate Fred Payawan as Himself - Presenter Mickey Perz as Himself - Choreographer Charee Pineda as Herself - Performer Paolo Pineda as Himself - Presenter Charee Pineda as Myrtle Sweet Plantado as Herself - Judge Sweet Plantado as Herself - Vocal Coach John Prats as Himself - Host Peter Quina as Himself - Wushu Master Angeline Quinto as herself Jeffrey Quizon as Himself - Judge Khalil Ramos as Himself - Performer Mariz Raneses as Herself - Ex-Housemate Mariz Raneses as Herself - Housemate Roy Requejo as Himself - Housemate Karen Reyes as Herself - Housemate Gladys Reyes as Herself - Judge Mariel Rodriguez as Herself - Host Mariel Rodriguez as Herself - Patient Bam Romana as Himself - Housemate Bianca Roque as Herself - MYX VJ Shy Runkle as Herself - House Player Maja Salvador as herself Tricia Santos as Herself - Ex-housemate Yen Santos as Herself - Ex-housemate Tricia Santos as Herself - Housemate Yen Santos as Herself - Housemate Myrtle Sarrosa as Herself - Housemate Julz Savard as Herself - MYX VJ Finalist Empress Schuck as herself Devon Seron as Herself - Fourth Big Placer Devon Seron as Herself - Housemate Devon Seron as Herself - Performer Ed Sevilla as Himself - Wushu Judge Patrick Sugui as himself Patrick Sugui as Himself - Ex-housemate Patrick Sugui as Himself - Housemate April Sun as herself April Sun as Herself - Ex-housemate April Sun as Herself - Housmate April Sun as Herself - Special Task April Sun as Herself - Team Teenternational Wendy Tabusalla as Herself - Presenter Linggit Tan as Herself - Presenter Ryan Tomas as Himself - Performer Seichang Ushimi as Himself - Presenter Nicole Uysiuseng as Herself - 3rd Big Placer Cynthia Vargas as Herself - Wushu Master Joe Vargas as Himself - Critic Joe Vargas as Himself - Ex-housemate Joe Vargas as Himself - Housemate Joe Vargas as Himself - Presenter Joe Vargas as Himself - Special Task Joe Vargas as Himself - Team Pinoy Emmanuelle Vera as herself Ton Vergel de Dios as Himself - MYX VJ Finalist Cory Vidanes as Herself - Presenter Mel Villena as Himself - Judge Krissy Villongco as herself Erica Villongco as herself Carson Vince as Himself - Critic Carson Vince as Himself - Ex-housemate Carson Vince as Himself - Housemate Carson Vince as Himself - Special Task Valerie Weigmann as Herself - Housemate Jack Yoon as himself Jack Yoon as Himself - Ex-housemate Jack Yoon as Himself - Housemate Slater Young as himself Slater Young as Himself - Performer Megan Young as Karen
The cast of Project Runway Australia - 2008 includes: Anthony Allars as Himself - Designer Mark Antonio as himself Savva Argyrou as Himself - Designer Kimbra as Herself - Audience Jamie Ashkar as Himself - Designer Danielle Atkin as herself Natalie Bassingthwaighte as Herself - Guest Judge Terry Biviano as Herself - Guest Judge Nerida Bourne as Herself - Designer Craig Braybrook as Himself - Designer Craig Braybrook as Himself - Season 3 Runner-up Jayson Brunsdon as Himself - Judge Leigh Buchanan as himself Anthony Capon Anthony Capon as Himself - Designer Nicole Carr as herself Claudia Chabo Claudia Chabo as Herself - Designer Jason Chetcuti Jason Chetcuti as Himself - Designer Jarrad Clark as Himself - Guest Judge Jarrad Clark as Himself - Judge Aurelio Costarella as Himself - Guest Judge Jordan Court as Himself - Designer Leah Da Gloria as Herself - Designer Charlotte Dawson as Herself - Audience Collette Dinnigan as Herself - Guest Judge Brynne Edelsten as Herself - Audience Leona Edmiston as Herself - Guest Judge Christina Exie as Herself - Designer Sophie Falkiner as herself Joe Farage as Himself - Guest Judge Nicola Finetti as Himself - Guest Judge Camille Frank as Herself - Guest Judge Camilla Franks as Herself - Guest Judge Camilla Freeman as Herself - Guest Judge Arthur Galan as Himself - Guest Judge Megan Gale as Herself - Host Sarah Gale as Herself - Judge Shane Garland as himself Tim Godbold as Himself - Designer Brendon Goddard as himself Petrova Hammond as herself Kristy Hinze as Herself - Host Claire Hocking as Herself - Designer Brodie Holland as himself Lui Hon as himself Kirrily Johnston as Herself - Judge Paula Joye as Herself - Guest Judge Miranda Kerr as Herself - Guest Judge Lindy Klim as Herself - Guest Judge William Kutana as Himself - Designer William Lazootin William Lazootin as Himself - Designer Bettina Liano as Herself - Guest Judge Simon Lock as Himself - Guest Judge Jacob Luppino as Himself - Guest Judge Natashya Manfield as Herself - Designer Helen Manuell as herself Toni Maticevski as Himself - Audience Toni Maticevski as Himself - Guest Judge Anna McEachran as Herself - Designer Hamish McIntosh as himself Mark McVeigh as himself Tristan Melle as Himself - Designer Pia Miller as Herself - Guest Judge Mladen Millicich as Himself - Designer Dannii Minogue as Herself - Guest Judge Rae Morris as Herself - Makeup Director Peter Morrisey as Himself - Guest Judge Peter Morrisey as Himself - Judge Claudia Navone as Herself - Guest Judge Claudia Navone as Herself - Judge Mark Neighbour Mark Neighbour as Himself - Designer Jacqui Newton as herself Oren Nuri as himself Alexandra Ovijach as Herself - Designer Deborah Pak as herself Natalie Pemberton as Herself - Model Rachael Perks as Herself - Designer Drew Petrie as himself Anthony Pittorino as Himself - Guest Judge Chantelle Raleigh as herself Melissa Reimer as Herself - Model Amber Renae Amber Renae as Herself - Designer Lizzie Renkert as Herself - Guest Judge Naomi Robson as Herself - Audience Kellyanne Russell Kellyanne Russell as Herself - Designer Johnny Schembri as Himself - Designer Genevieve Smart as Herself - Guest Judge Alexandra Smart as Herself - Guest Judge Sophie Spalding as herself Jacqui Spong as herself Freya Stafford as Herself - Audience Yopie Stafurik Yopie Stafurik as Herself - Designer Gabrielle Stephens as Herself - Designer Ivana Stipicic Ivana Stipicic as Herself - Designer Matcho Suba as Himself - Designer Alyssa Sutherland as Herself - Guest Judge Leanne Tucker as herself Lauren Vieyra Lauren Vieyra as Herself - Designer Jarrad Waite as himself Stephanie Wakefield as herself Fleur Wood as Herself - Guest Judge Brent Zaicek as himself Carla Zampatti as Herself - Guest Judge
I am good
Guyz Nite Out - 2010 was released on: USA: July 2010
hey guyz from ms.king's calss its me Scott i just want to say hi and the answer is yes!!!!! remebmer its me Scott guyz
Just 2 Guyz - 2004 was released on: USA: 1 September 2004 (internet)
lol you guyz are dumd
The cast of Just 2 Guyz - 2004 includes: Akiva Schaffer Jorma Taccone
Peer's,guyz or colleque
no guyz can do cheats on woozwolrd!!
u guyz suck balllz
No He Isn't U Guyz Saii Anything
f1rstem y0use guyz mus7 l34rn 34ng14nd