Roc Royal - Chresanto August
Prodigy - Craig Crippen
Ray Ray - Raquan Smith
Princeton - Jacob Perez
They live in Califonia but, I Dont Know Where He Is at this moment ,But they travel around the world.
Mindless Behavior has no girlfriends
he sings the last rap of the song
they have diffrent last names because the are not really brother s.
No BrotherLee Min Ho has a sister, but not a brother.
Jacbo perez/princeton ,criag johnson/prodigy, randy rayson/ray-ray, micheal smith/rocroyal
ray ray's last name is Rayson
Rayray,Prodigy,Princeton, and last but not least,Roc Royal
roc royal's Yong,rayray's Saadiq,princeton's Perez,& prodigy's Crippen
mindless behaviors first number was in there hit single my girl that number was 3233196060 and in their next single hello their new number became 3237869201 you text the last number i gave you or leave a message telling why you should be their Mrs. right of the week
Devin Whitehorn they have the same mom not dad so they have different last names on facebook her name is Devin Swagie
A group including Washington, Madison, Franklin and Hamilton. (All last names)
They live in Califonia but, I Dont Know Where He Is at this moment ,But they travel around the world.