Hydie Waters is 5' 7".
Healing Waters was created in 1987.
Charli Waters died in 1989 of homicide.
no, Maxine Waters is alive.
Iodine in My Coffee was written by McKinley Morganfield, better known as Muddy Waters. The song has also been recorded by such blues artists as Johnny Winter, Hubert Sumlin and Magic Dick, the harp player from the J. Geils Band.
The duration of The Two Waters is 1.3 hours.
The duration of Divine Waters is 1.83 hours.
The duration of My Magic is 1.25 hours.
The duration of Deep Waters - film - is 1.42 hours.
The duration of Beneath Still Waters is 1.53 hours.
The duration of Shadow Magic is 1.92 hours.
The duration of Summer Magic is 1.83 hours.
The duration of The Magic Box is 1.97 hours.
The duration of The Magic Riddle is 1.55 hours.
The duration of Raspberry Magic is 1.37 hours.
The duration of Ordinary Magic is 1.72 hours.