Inappropriate means not suitable for a particular occasion.
it can be for kids too it just has some sort of inappropriate questions for younger kids that could lead to some weird questions if you know what i mean.
While most of YouTube has appropriate content, some people do upload inappropriate videos.
the candidate understates its qualifications
This is a rather vague question. There isn't one lone "most" inappropriate movie. Porn movies are easily the most inappropriate movies.
no not really. only if you write inappropriate things then no
You don't.
if your 18 or over and have an ap pass then yes u might see some inappropriate things but if u dont have an ap pass or ur under 18 then no its not really inappropriate they do a good job at keeping things pg 13 so that kids wont be exposed to inappropriate things
yes i hate them
"Inappropriate" is in the eye of the beholder. What is inappropriate to some is not so much or not at all to others. So, what you may find inappropriate really opens up the range of possible answers to why anyone might "make" anything inappropriate.
Some things are not welcome on WikiAnswers. This includes cyber bullying, vandalism and inappropriate questions comments and answers. Anything that includes swearing and things of inappropriate subject matter is not welcome on WikiAnswers.
I've never been on uncyclopedia but I've heard some very inappropriate things on it. maybe uncyclopedia.
Kids look up inappropriate things to explore what is around them because they want to know more
Laughing aloud at inappropriate things
As many things as we can, as long as they're not illegal or inappropriate!
well, it has other inappropriate things in it...
you can ask a journalist