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a good/bad behavior is determined through it's consequences,faith,consistence and culture when a certain behaviuor is levelled against these aspects it can be described as good or bad.

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Q: What are good behavior and bad behavior?
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What is behavior learned during life?

The behavior of someone that is growing up is from whoever is around them if there is bad behavior the child will grow up and have bad behavior if there is good behavior the child will grow up with good behavior.

Does an elephant have good behavior?

As is the case with most of the more advanced mammals, an elephant can have good behavior or bad behavior, depending on where it is and how it is treated.

Examlpe why guns are bad?

Guns are tools. Tools are neither good or bad. The behavior of the PERSON using the tool is what is good or bad.

What is the meaning of behaviorism?

behavior-is a suquence of good and bad behaviour means to be good and obedient while bad behavior means bad and rude

What are the two type of behavior?

bad and good, maybe in between

How bad is Ogres behavior?

Ogres are always grumpy, and that is NOT good.

Words that describe a bad dog?

Words that describe a bad dog are: Misbehaved and bad.

How is a Man of war behavior good or bad?

it has no behavior because it just sits there and floats. it is very unexciting. :-(

How do you read a guys behavior in messages?

When he shows you, believe it..., the good and the bad.

Is the behavior of a monkey good or bad?

it is basically bad because they mostly eat lice and other insects

Are most dog behavior good or bad?

mostly good or better than other canines

Another word for bad behavior?

misbehave,naughtiness, misconduct, mischief, disobedience, waywardness, troublesomeness, mischievousness, very naughty