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Definitions of chevalier on the Web: * French actor and cabaret singer (1888-1972) * cavalier: a gallant or courtly gentleman Also is a knight in french

in other words chevalier is the synonym of kight Answer

Chevalier means literally "horseman". The words cavalry, cavalier and chivalry are related.

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Chevaliers are reformed humans turned into bodyguard like beings that travel with their queens. They stay in their original human forms until if necessary, their queens are in danger, like Hagi is with Saya.

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What is the background music in fake or fortune?

I have just tried to find this out myself after it bothering me as I recognised it and kept referring back to thinking it being from Batman - The dark Knight. Anyway... This is from the film 'Da Vinci Code'. The song is: 'Chevaliers de sangreal

What's Summary of the anime blood plus?

Blood + is an anime cartoon involving a young high school senior who is a vampire. She is driven back to her past to fight her sister Diva. She is protected by Haji her loyal chevalier. She also hads two adopted brothers Kai and Riku.AnswerYes Blood+ is an anime tv show! It is filled with action, drama, and romance. The girls name is Saya Otonashi, she is actually a chiropteran, an monster which feeds on human blood. She does have a twin sister, Diva. They are both chiropterans, they were separated when Saya released Diva from a tower where she was helled. Diva then killed every one that lived in the house and the ones that were taking care of Saya. She has Amnesia so she doesn't remember that her blood can kill her own kind. She was adopted by a man named George Miyagusuku. I could keep going on about this but you should find out by your self by watching it!

What movie and television projects has Claude Brosset been in?

Claude Brosset has: Played Un soldat in "Le roi cerf" in 1967. Played Ouf in "Un homme de trop" in 1967. Played Sherman in "Fortune" in 1969. Played Yves in "Les cousins de la Constance" in 1970. Played Le gardien chef in "Les salauds vont en enfer" in 1971. Played Caffrey in "On est toujours trop bon avec les femmes" in 1971. Played Marcel Guillou in "Dossiers de Me Robineau: Main basse sur la campagne" in 1972. Played Bernier in "Raboliot" in 1972. Played Souastre in "Les rois maudits" in 1972. Played Inspecteur Aubertin in "Un certain Richard Dorian" in 1973. Played Catet-la-Mule in "Les coqs de minuit" in 1973. Played Le fils Paumelle in "Histoire vraie" in 1973. Played Adjudant chef Santoni in "R.A.S." in 1973. Played Georges Cadoudal in "Cadoudal" in 1974. Performed in "Le port" in 1974. Played Julien Pascal in "La Berthe" in 1975. Played Bouvier in "Die unfreiwilligen Reisen des Moritz August Benjowski" in 1975. Played Antoine Portor in "Adieu, poulet" in 1975. Played Roland Noual in "Commissaire Moulin" in 1976. Played Oscar, dit Janine in "Le corps de mon ennemi" in 1976. Played Gustave in "La carapate" in 1978. Played Rico Gomez in "Douze heures pour mourir" in 1978. Played Madrou in "La barricade du Point du Jour" in 1978. Played Achille Volfoni in "Flic ou voyou" in 1979. Played Caderousse in "Le comte de Monte-Cristo" in 1979. Played Ludovic in "La servante" in 1979. Played Claude in "La vie des autres" in 1980. Played Henri Palestro in "Julien Fontanes, magistrat" in 1980. Played Le Hongrois in "La flambeuse" in 1981. Performed in "Rioda" in 1981. Played Compayrou in "Sans famille" in 1981. Played Jules in "Au bon beurre" in 1981. Played Le vrai gangster in "Madame S.O.S." in 1982. Played Robert Colnat in "Le truqueur" in 1982. Played Lochet in "Jupiter 81" in 1982. Played Lavire, le cafetier in "Le village sur la colline" in 1982. Played Victor Ambrosio in "Scratch" in 1982. Played Antoine in "Adios, Antoinette" in 1982. Played Antonio Baldi in "Le marginal" in 1983. Played Vidal in "Les ripoux" in 1984. Played Le directeur du nouveau journal in "Tout comme un homme" in 1984. Played Gonfaron in "Cayenne Palace" in 1987. Performed in "Navarro" in 1989. Played Le commissaire Balland in "Navarro" in 1989. Played Le major in "Le gorille" in 1990. Played Zavatter in "Nestor Burma" in 1991. Played Adore in "L.627" in 1992. Played Loewenthal in "Cuentos de Borges" in 1992. Played Larzac in "Le jour du serpent" in 1992. Played Monsieur Fosse in "A Year in Provence" in 1993. Performed in "La braconne" in 1993. Performed in "Prat et Harris" in 1993. Played Barillon in "Flairs ennemis" in 1996. Played himself in "Un film sur Bertrand Tavernier" in 1996. Played Roger in "Louis Page" in 1997. Played Rabier in "Inspecteur Moretti" in 1997. Played Max in "Louis la brocante" in 1998. Played Raoul in "Le bois du Pardoux" in 2000. Played Nounours in "Central nuit" in 2001. Played Nounors in "Central nuit" in 2001. Played Hoeder in "Les rois mages" in 2001. Played Antoine Letellier in "Les bleus: premiers pas dans la police" in 2006.

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Les chevaliers de la cloche - 1938 is rated/received certificates of: Belgium:KT

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When was Krak des Chevaliers Castle built?

In 1031.

What does Krak des Chevaliers mean in English?

the fortress of knights

When was the Krak des Chevaliers built?

the year 1031 ad

Why was the krak des chevaliers built?

To Withstand Muslim attacks

Where is the Crusader Castle Krak des Chevaliers?

Near Tartus, Syria.

What is the music at the end of the Da Vinci code movie?

The music at the end of the Da Vinci Code (movie) is 'Chevaliers De Sangreal' by Hans Zimmer. It is available for play on YouTube.

What is Jehovah Deactivate Blithe Chevaliers?

God rest ye merry gentlemen

What actors and actresses appeared in Les chevaliers de la montagne - 1930?

The cast of Les chevaliers de la montagne - 1930 includes: Yvette Beschoff Marie Glory Pierre Magnier Luis Trenker Michael von Newlinsky