There's not much but there's House of Evil by John Dean and The basement by Kate Millet. There are even book that are loosely about it like Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum
"Let's Go Play at The Adams'" is fiction work based on Silvia Likens.
Vandermast's birth name is Brian Likens.
Sylvia Wildfire goes by Sylvia Goldberg, Sylvia Karp, and Wildfire.
Sylvia Miles's birth name is Sylvia Reuben Lee.
Sylvia Tysick is 5' 1".
Sylvia Milu is 5' 3".
Sylvia Likens was born on January 3, 1949.
Sylvia Likens was born on January 3, 1949.
Sylvia Likens died on October 26, 1965 at the age of 16.
Sylvia Likens died on October 26, 1965 at the age of 16.
Sylvia Likens is most well known for being a victim. Her passing away was deemed one of the most grizzly crimes in the history of the state of Indiana in the USA.
If you want to see the police photos, how she was found and her injuries, go onn youtube and put in sylvia likens tribute, its there, i just wwatched it, there is only a few, horrible if you ask me, good luck, allie
Look for newspapers at your public library for the end of October 1965.
yes there is 2 filmsthe girl next door (2007)An american crime
UK actress Sarah Miles is 76 years old (birthdate: December 31, 1941). *There is no biographical information on US singer Sarah Miles (on Spotify).
she wrote ten books.
TitlesOrderThe Mennyms by Sylvia Waugh1Mennyms in the Wilderness by Sylvia Waugh2Mennyms Under Siege by Sylvia Waugh3Mennyms Alive by Sylvia Waugh4Mennyms Alone by Sylvia Waugh5