Sybil Ludington was the oldest child in the family. Her siblings in order of age were Rebecca, Mary, Archibald, Henry, Derrick, Tertullus, Abigail, Anna, Frederick, Sophia, and Lewis. Sybil and her husband, Edmond Ogden, had one child named Henry.
The best anyone can give about that question is an approximation. Sybil was approximately 26 years old when she mentioned to her psychiatrist Cornelia Wilbur that her mother had died "a while back." Her father re-married around the time Sybil made this comment. Sybil's mother was over 40 when she had Sybil but no one is certain how much older. Based on Sybil's age and her vague referral to Martha's death she probably died in her mid to late 60's.
Sybil Lamb was born on July 26, 1932, in New York City, New York, USA.
Dr. Murray Riggins
In the movie Sybil, the name of the instrumental guitar music that is played in the Carnegie Hall scene is 'Sybil's Song.' It is performed by Richard Loomis.
what was sybil ludington's favorite things
In Carmel, NY
abigal ludington
Ludingtonville. In honor of her midnight ride.
It looked like brown.
in febuary in the year 1761
Sybil Ludingtons father was a colonel. He needed someone to gather up his troop so that is what Sybil Ludington did.
Sybil Ludington was the eldest of 12 children, meaning she had 11 siblings.
Sybil Ludington, at 16, rode forty miles and nine hours to raise the militia to prevent the British Regulars from overtaking Danbury, Connecticut and capturing major stores held there during the Revolutionary War.
She yelled the British are burning down Danbury muster at Ludingtons but soon just began to knock on doors with a stick she had brought along.
Sybil Ludington had 11 other siblings. She was the oldest of all of them.
She had 11 siblings. 5 sisters named Rebecca, Mary, Abigail, Anna and Sophia. 6 brothers named Archibald, Derick, Henry, Tertullus, Fredrick and Lewis. Her fathers name was Henry and mothers name was Abigail.