I am a Leo and my boyfriend is a Leo also. And He is very adventurous and super great in bed :)
Pottery Barn has Charlies bed...........
It's not between race, it's between how good they are.
Honestly SOME black men are greeaaat in bed and some suck donkey balls! Trust me. Sometimes I am stunned by all the hype about black men in bed (but I guess if you are used to duds then I can see). Some are packing major heat and others um not so much. And believe it or not there are a couple of white guys in the United States that are well endowed AND good in bed. (Me white female married to white man but dated black men previously). ALso I have had sex with some black men who I could not wait until they finished it was so boring.
Leo and I
Leo Mezie is Leo Mezie
It is not specified whether Leo put his sister to bed.
Generally men liks breakfast in bed but some people are decorum and etiquette not like breakfast on bad..
Pottery Barn has Charlies bed...........
A nap.
Asian men.
In a relationship, Leo men want to know that they're just the best in the woman's eyes, and they'll be happy to receive nonstop complements. They also like heavy makeup.
Not all men. Maybe the scum or sleazy guys do. Try to maintain some dignity.
Leo- Virgo relationships tend to be harmonious.
It depends on the person, and what the person is like.
its depends on the women ....but if you see like that its obvious that the black man are beast on the bed