The cast of XY. La revista - 2009 includes: Alejandra Ambrosi as Marisol Luis Arrieta as Tavo Eduardo Arroyuelo as Tony Fernando Becerril Fernando Becerril as Don Artemio Isabella Camil as Planeadora de bodas Juan Carlos Barreto as Artemio Miranda Silvia Carusillo as Susana Marisol Centeno as Luisa Miguel Couturier as Pedro Linares Mara Cuevas as Regina Jorge de los Reyes as Doctor Palacios Marcela Espeso as Maricruz Salim Argelia Garcia Alexander Holtmann as Secretario Particular Hector Kotsifakis as Miguel Claudio Lafarga as Adrian Tatiana Martinez as Larissa Lakshmi Picazo as Sandra Montes Ricardo Polanco as Osvaldo Tejada Marisa Rubio as Eli Julian Sedgwick as William Romina Triay as Svetlana Berenice Trujillo as Tita Alberto Zeni as Roberto Lanzagorta
The cast of Xxy - 1995 includes: Caroline Berg
Caroline Bech has: Played Waitress in "Stekker" in 2011. Played Alice in "De Koffer" in 2011. Played Gaia in "Missend Element" in 2011. Played Woman in Red in "Last Exit Home" in 2012. Performed in "Het Vijfde Seizoen" in 2012. Played Eva in "Flawed" in 2012. Played Lucy in "The Black Lake" in 2013. Played Marjolein Bovenlander in "Overspel in de liefde" in 2013.
The cast of Xxy - 1995 includes: Caroline Berg
A Film for XX was created in 1999.
The duration of XXY - film - is 1.45 hours.
Yes, Klinefelter's syndrome is due to the XXY genotype.
46,XXY or XXY for males; see the link below.
As on today, there is no cure for xxy syndrome.
The only genotype to cause Klinefelter's syndrome is XXY.
xxy; oogenesis
No. Do to the fact that when parents pass on the genes the father only ever gives the Y. What happens in XXY is that for some reason the mother gives both X's or potentially their is a defect with the replication of the cell during development. So while their is a small chance it is not very likely. Also you have to realize the a male with XXY is most likely going to be sterile, however this is not always the case.
They lose tic tac toe
Individuals with Klinefelter syndrome typically have an extra X chromosome, resulting in a karyotype of 47,XXY. This chromosomal abnormality can cause developmental and reproductive issues in affected individuals.