The cast of El novicio rebelde - 1968 includes: Jacques Arndt Guillermo Battaglia as Ricardo Fernandez Ricardo Bauleo as Edmundo Martin Cristina Lemercier as Isabel Fernandez Susana Mayo as Mercedes Tino Pascali Maruja Roig as Sofia
The cast of Un reverendo trinquetero - 1982 includes: Jorge Abaunza Julian Abitia Ignacio Ambriz Luis Antonio Lobato Edmundo Barahona Antonio Camacho Eric del Castillo as Comisario Armando Duarte Alicia Encinas as Sari Juan Jaramillo Mago Krotani David Montenegro Ofelia Montesco as Rosy Mary Montiel Alfredo Ortiz Sammy Ortiz Katty Partida Cuco Pelucho Alicia Reyna Blanca Romero Claudio Sorel Marina Vega Alfonso Zayas as Asistente de Valente
The cast of Sagrado Bandido - 1982 includes: Virginia Aristorenas Rez Cortez Rex Lapid
The population of Tenero-Contra is 2,380.
"To have, to hold" as a verb and "tender" as an adjective may be English equivalents of "tenere."Specifically, the Italian word may be the infinitive form of a verb. But it also may be the feminine plural form of the adjective "tenero" ("tender"). The pronunciation depends upon which the word is: the verb is pronounced "teh-NEH-reh," and the adjective is pronounced "TEH-neh-reh."
Christiana Borghi has: Performed in "Il demonio nel cervello" in 1976. Performed in "Puttana galera - colpo grosso al penitenziario" in 1976. Performed in "La studentessa" in 1976. Played Woman at the love camp in "La svastica nel ventre" in 1977. Played Rosalia Ciubardi in "Moglie nuda e siciliana" in 1978. Played Silvia in "Cugine mie" in 1978. Played Rita in "Midnight Blue" in 1979. Performed in "Due pezzi di pane" in 1979. Performed in "Liquirizia" in 1979. Played Fosca in "Le mani di una donna sola" in 1979. Played Nicoletta in "Un tenero tramonto" in 1984. Performed in "Lo scomparso" in 1987. Performed in "Appuntamento a Trieste" in 1987. Played Emma in "Il generale" in 1987. Played Lidia in "Cartoline italiane" in 1987. Played Margit in "Rosso di sera" in 1988. Performed in "Il giardino dei ciliegi" in 1992.
Tenera or tenero in the singular and tenereor teneri in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English word "tender." Context makes clear whether feminine (cases 1, 3) or masculine (examples 2, 4) gender suits. The respective pronunciations will be "TEH-ney-ra" or "TEH-ney-ro" in the singular and "TEH-ney-rey" or "TEH-ney-ree" in the plural in Pisan Italian.
Laura De Marchi has: Played Luisella (segment "Divorzio italo-americano") in "Amore facile" in 1964. Performed in "La donnaccia" in 1965. Played Daughter of Don Mariano in "Il giorno della civetta" in 1968. Performed in "I visionari" in 1968. Performed in "Stasera Fernandel" in 1968. Performed in "Sotto il segno dello scorpione" in 1969. Played The Sleeping Nurse in "Il prof. Dott. Guido Tersilli, primario della clinica Villa Celeste convenzionata con le mutue" in 1969. Played Wife of Dublino in "Lettera aperta a un giornale della sera" in 1970. Played Bice Tirabosco in "Girolimoni, il mostro di Roma" in 1972. Performed in "...E di Saul e dei sicari sulle vie di Damasco" in 1973. Played Laura in "Anno uno" in 1974. Played Tarantula Cult Woman in "Flavia, la monaca musulmana" in 1974. Performed in "Il fratello" in 1975. Played Anna in "Irene, Irene" in 1975. Played Elsa Meroni in "Io ho paura" in 1977. Performed in "Per questa notte" in 1977. Played Wife of Marco in "Disposta a tutto" in 1977. Performed in "Un cuore semplice" in 1977. Played Dolores Streso in "Return of the Saint" in 1978. Played Italian Anarchist in "O Megalexandros" in 1980. Played Chambermaid in "Nostalghia" in 1983. Played Nonna di Pirandello (segment "Colloquio con la madre") in "Kaos" in 1984. Performed in "Un tenero tramonto" in 1984. Performed in "Angela come te" in 1988. Performed in "Segreto di stato" in 1995. Played Joan in "Andata e ritorno" in 2003.
Filippo De Gara has: Performed in "Anna Christie" in 1960. Performed in "Demetrio Pianelli" in 1963. Performed in "Mille franchi di ricompensa" in 1964. Performed in "I promessi sposi" in 1967. Performed in "Il triangolo rosso" in 1967. Performed in "Stasera Fernandel" in 1968. Played Un medico in "Il medico della mutua" in 1968. Played Harrison in "Oliver Cromwell: Ritratto di un dittatore" in 1969. Played Doctor in "Il prof. Dott. Guido Tersilli, primario della clinica Villa Celeste convenzionata con le mutue" in 1969. Played Orator in "Satyricon" in 1969. Played Police Official in "Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto" in 1970. Performed in "La supertestimone" in 1971. Played Nicotra - the Mayor in "Confessione di un commissario di polizia al procuratore della repubblica" in 1971. Performed in "Homo Eroticus" in 1971. Played Notary in "La colonna infame" in 1972. Performed in "Mordi e fuggi" in 1973. Performed in "Diario di un maestro" in 1973. Performed in "Non ho tempo" in 1973. Played Dr. Nistri in "Qui squadra mobile" in 1973. Performed in "Nucleo centrale investigativo" in 1974. Played Public Prosecutor in "Amore mio non farmi male" in 1974. Performed in "La svergognata" in 1974. Played Dottor Severjanic in "Anna Karenina" in 1974. Played Informer in "Roma a mano armata" in 1976. Played Count Mondino Altoviti in "Donna... cosa si fa per te" in 1976. Played Generale Ponzio Vaglia in "Lo scandalo della banca romana" in 1977. Performed in "Una donna di seconda mano" in 1977. Played The Judge in "Le evase - Storie di sesso e di violenze" in 1978. Played (credited as Filippo Degara) in "Travolto dagli affetti familiari" in 1978. Performed in "Nella misura in cui..." in 1979. Performed in "Buone notizie" in 1979. Performed in "Giacinta" in 1980. Played Gerarca in "I ragazzi di celluloide" in 1981. Performed in "Greggio e pericoloso" in 1981. Performed in "Lion of the Desert" in 1981. Played Marchese De La Tour in "Il petomane" in 1983. Performed in "E la nave va" in 1983. Performed in "Uno scandalo perbene" in 1984. Performed in "Un tenero tramonto" in 1984. Played Maggiordomo in "Fracchia contro Dracula" in 1985. Played Caron in "Orfeo" in 1985.
Jessica Steele has written: 'Acusada falsamente' 'Koris agape' 'The Feisty Fiancee' 'Corazon oculto' 'Un diavolo d'uomo' 'La primera vez' 'A suitable husband' -- subject(s): Large type books, Fiction 'Runaway from Love' 'The Boss and His Secretary' 'Luces de Bohemia' 'Unexpected Engagement (Holding Out For A Hero) Larger Print' 'Een huis vol dromen' 'Geluk in de sneeuw' 'Farewell to love' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'His Pretend Mistress' 'Sabor de amor' 'Luces de Praga' 'Matkalippu onneen' 'A Most Suitable Wife' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Roommates, Fiction 'A Wedding Worth Waiting for' 'So near, so far' 'Senza via d'uscita' 'Cuestion de principios' 'El misterio de tu mirada' 'No quiet refuge' 'Unfriendly Alliance' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY 'Tuya para siempre' 'Corazon oculto' 'Rakastamisen rikkaus' 'Patto d'amore' 'Rapsodia Hungara' 'The boss and his secretary' -- subject(s): Fiction, Millionaires, Secretaries 'Her Hand in Marriage' 'Innamorarsi e poi' 'Grillig is het lot' 'Sabor de amor' 'Huyendo del amor' 'Moderna stochtopouta' 'L' uomo del mistero' 'Rapsodia Ungherese' 'Part-Time Marriage' 'Tomorrow -- Come Soon' 'Las delicias del amor' 'Luces de Bohemia' 'Il cuore ha messo le ali' 'Pasaporte a la felicidad' 'Una sola eccezione...' 'Hostile Engagement' -- subject(s): Fiction in English 'Viaje de descumbrimiento' 'Me Xerontas to Giati' 'Viagem de descobrimento' 'Geheimzinnig spel' 'Koris agape' 'Fugindo do amor' 'Rakastamisen rikkaus' 'Viagem de descobrimento' 'Matkalippu onneen' 'La primera vez' 'Senza via d'uscita' 'A Pretend Engagement' 'But Know, Not Why' 'Koris agape' 'Adeus ao amor' 'Les deux visages de Miles Quartermaine' 'Geluk in de sneeuw' 'Cuestion de principios' 'Aspettando l'amore' 'Viaje de descubrimiento' 'Bachelor's wife' 'Una sola eccezione...' 'Smaragden en diamanten' 'DUELO DE CORAZONES - DUEL OF HEARTS (Jazmin, 57)' 'El misterio de tu mirada' 'Anakaliptontas ton erota' 'Japanese title' 'L' uomo del mistero' 'Tuya para siempre' 'Tweespalt door liefde' 'Rakastamisen rikkaus' 'Le sorprese non finiscono mai' 'Desafortunado encuentro' 'Amado enemigo' 'Een spannende uitdaging' 'Magic of His Kiss' 'Amado enemigo' 'The Marriage Business' 'The icicle heart' -- subject(s): Fiction in English 'Una segretaria perfetta...' 'De liefste leugen' 'Intimate enemies' -- subject(s): Fiction in English 'To Stay Forever' 'Su mujer' 'Billett til lykken' 'Bachelor'S Family (Kids & Kisses)' 'A Professional Marriage (9 To 5)' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Sabor de amor' 'Um toque de seducao' 'Pasaporte a la felicidad' '[Chinese]' 'A primeira vez' 'Un dolce tenero bacio' 'Esa mujer!' 'Een spannende uitdaging' 'Il cuore ha messo le ali' 'Dishonest woman' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Sin motivos' 'Amarsi a Praga' 'Bachelor in Need (The Marriage Pledge)' 'With His Ring' 'Erotikes phouriounes' 'Un castello di bugie' 'Bachelor in need' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Motvillig arving' 'Cosas del destino' 'La otra' 'Koris agape' 'L' usurpatore' 'Rapsodia Ungherese' 'O Aprovleptos kurios Tein' '[Japanese translation]' 'Luces de Bohemia' 'Las delicias del amor' 'Met een zwierig gebaar' 'Senza via d'uscita' 'Cuestion de principios' 'Matkalippu onneen' 'Destined to Meet' 'Misleading Encounter' 'Falling for her convenient husband' -- subject(s): Accessible book, OverDrive, Fiction, Romance, Tender Romance, Millionaires, Corporate lawyers, Spouses, Congresses and conventions 'Pasaporte a la felicidad' 'Un dolce tenero bacio' 'Geheimzinnig spel' 'Geluk in de sneeuw' 'Promise Of A Family' -- subject(s): Fiction, Man-woman relationships 'Il cuore ha messo le ali' 'Un castello di bugie' 'Acusada falsamente' 'Reis naar de zon' 'Adeus ao amor' 'Les deux visages de Miles Quartermaine' 'Ruthless in all' 'Without love' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY 'The sister secret' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY 'Acusada falsamente' 'Su Secretaria Mas Personal' 'Door trots gebroken' 'Tweespalt door liefde' 'Anakaliptontas ton erota' 'Moderna stochtopouta' 'Un castello di bugie' 'La collina incantata' 'Innamorarsi e poi' 'Pasaporte a la felicidad' 'Aspettando l'amore' 'Viaje de descumbrimiento' 'Au Jardin de L'Harmonie' 'Tua para sempre' 'Me Xerontas to Giati' 'Aspettando l'amore' 'Logia agapis' 'Logia agapis' 'Cuestion de principios' 'Een huis vol dromen' 'Luces de Bohemia' 'Incontro con il destino' 'Senza via d'uscita' 'Anakaliptontas ton erota' 'Imprudent challenge' 'Un dolce tenero bacio' 'Huyendo del amor' 'Incontro con il destino' 'Un castello di bugie' '[Korean translation]' 'Anakaliptontas ton erota' 'His Woman' 'Il cuore ha messo le ali' 'Il gioco delle parti' 'Cosas del destino' 'Smaragden en diamanten' 'No Holds Barred' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Feisty Fiancee (The Marriage Pledge)' 'La otra' 'Without love' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY 'Fortunes of Love' '[Chinese]' 'L' uomo del mistero' 'Destined to Meet' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Tweespalt door liefde' 'Cosas del destino' 'Enas arravonas ainigma' 'When the Loving Stopped' -- subject(s): In library 'Koris agape' 'Price to be met' 'West of Bohemia' 'Una segretaria perfetta...' 'Tan cerca y tan lejos' 'A primeira vez' 'Viaje de descubrimiento' 'Een spannende uitdaging' 'Fugindo do amor' 'Grillige liefde' 'Les deux visages de Miles Quartermaine' 'Luces de Praga' 'Il gioco delle parti' 'Part - Time Marriage (To Have And To Hold) - Larger Print' 'Spring Girl' -- subject(s): Fiction in English 'Anakaliptontas ton erota' 'Met een zwierig gebaar' 'His Pretend Mistress' 'Devil in disguise' 'De liefste leugen' 'Erotikes phouriounes' 'La collina incantata' 'Acusada falsamente' 'Le sorprese non finiscono mai' 'Grillige liefde' 'O anthropos apo to londino' 'Misleading encounter' 'Reis naar de zon' 'Moderna stochtopouta' 'Bond of vengeance' 'O anthropos apo to londino' 'Italian Invader (Jessica Steele, Harlequin Romance, No. 3327)' -- subject(s): Love, Fiction 'Il gioco delle parti' 'Vitima das emocoes' 'O Aprovleptos kurios Tein' 'Koris agape' 'Rakastamisen rikkaus' 'Amarsi a Praga' 'De liefste leugen' 'Kardia gemate pago' 'De liefste leugen' 'Billett til lykken' 'Viagem de descobrimento' 'Vitima das emocoes' 'Met een zwierig gebaar' 'Viaje de descubrimiento' 'Geluk in de sneeuw' 'Kardia gemate pago' 'Relative Values' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Inheritance and succession, Fiction 'Grillige liefde' 'A primeira vez' 'Verwarrende waarheid' 'La otra' 'Cosas del destino' 'Sabor de amor' 'The Boss And His Secretary' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Fiction, Romance, Tender Romance 'Een huis vol dromen' 'Corazon oculto' 'Corazon oculto' 'Huyendo del amor' 'Moderna stochtopouta' 'Corazon oculto' 'L' usurpatore' 'La collina incantata' 'Een spannende uitdaging' 'Hidden Heart' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Tan cerca y tan lejos' 'A First Time for Everything' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Tua para sempre' 'Um toque de seducao' 'Rapsodia Ungherese' 'Liefdes ereschuld' 'De liefste leugen' 'Smaragden en diamanten' 'Anakaliptontas ton erota' 'Bachelor's Family' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Le sorprese non finiscono mai' 'Her Boss's Marriage Agenda' 'Distrust her shadow' 'Verwarrende waarheid' 'Rapsodia Ungherese' 'Una promessa impossibile' 'The boss and his secretary' -- subject(s): Millionaires, Secretaries, Fiction 'Cuestion de principios' 'Rakastamisen rikkaus' 'Geheimzinnig spel' 'Um toque de seducao' 'A primeira vez' 'Bachelor's Family - Mdp95' 'Pride's Master' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Fiction in English
Mel Ferrer has: Played Father Serra in "The Fugitive" in 1947. Played himself in "Toast of the Town" in 1948. Played Scott Mason Carter in "Lost Boundaries" in 1949. Played Luis Bello in "The Brave Bulls" in 1951. Played Noel, Marquis de Maynes in "Scaramouche" in 1952. Played Frenchy Fairmont in "Rancho Notorious" in 1952. Played himself in "Today" in 1952. Played Paul Berthalet in "Lili" in 1953. Played himself in "Christmas with the Stars" in 1953. Played Arthur in "Knights of the Round Table" in 1953. Played Henrik in "Saadia" in 1953. Played Don Paolo Salinas in "Proibito" in 1954. Played Prince Andrei Bolkonsky in "War and Peace" in 1956. Played Marshal Monty Elstrode in "Zane Grey Theater" in 1956. Played Le comte Henri de Chevincourt in "Elena et les hommes" in 1956. Performed in "Rendezvous" in 1957. Played Giancarlo Barandero in "The Vintage" in 1957. Played Robert Cohn in "The Sun Also Rises" in 1957. Played Benson Thacker in "The World, the Flesh and the Devil" in 1959. Played Stephen Orlac in "The Hands of Orlac" in 1960. Played Leopoldo De Karnstein in "Et mourir de plaisir" in 1960. Played Marco in "Legge di guerra" in 1961. Played Himself - Audience Member in "The 33rd Annual Academy Awards" in 1961. Played Philip Allan (segment "Luxurieux point ne seras") in "Le diable et les dix commandements" in 1962. Played Maj. Gen. Robert Haines in "The Longest Day" in 1962. Played Andrea in "I lancieri neri" in 1962. Played Peter Carrington in "Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre" in 1963. Played himself in "Hollywood: The Great Stars" in 1963. Played himself in "Cinema" in 1964. Played Cleander in "The Fall of the Roman Empire" in 1964. Played El Greco (Domenico Teotocopulo) in "El Greco" in 1966. Played himself in "Omnibus" in 1967. Played Paul Berthalet in "Off to See the Wizard" in 1967. Played French-Canadian Radio Speaker in "Wait Until Dark" in 1967. Played Emil Radick in "Hawaii Five-O" in 1968. Played Father Neill in "Hawaii Five-O" in 1968. Played Jerry Parks in "Columbo" in 1968. Played himself in "The David Frost Show" in 1969. Played Carlo in "Marcus Welby, M.D." in 1969. Played John Rickman in "Search" in 1972. Played Dr. Harrison in "A Time for Loving" in 1972. Played Gen. Franz von Clodius in "Carola" in 1973. Played Charlie Rush in "Tenafly" in 1973. Played Dalton Harvey in "La chica del Molino Rojo" in 1973. Played Dr. Ross in "Police Story" in 1973. Performed in "Baretta" in 1975. Played Police superintendent in "Morte sospetta di una minorenne" in 1975. Played Gerlich in "Wonder Woman" in 1975. Played District Attorney Mannino in "La polizia accusa: il servizio segreto uccide" in 1975. Played Fields in "Brannigan" in 1975. Played Brandon Childs in "Ellery Queen" in 1975. Played Aurelio Morelli in "Das Netz" in 1975. Played Van Gould in "Il corsaro nero" in 1976. Played Armando Della Morra in "Alle origini della mafia" in 1976. Played Jack Powers in "The Love Boat" in 1977. Played David in "Sharon: Portrait of a Mistress" in 1977. Played Appolonius in "The Fantastic Journey" in 1977. Played Professor Henry Douglas in "La ragazza dal pigiama giallo" in 1977. Played Harvey Wood in "Eaten Alive" in 1977. Played Harrison Page in "Dallas" in 1978. Played Colonel Stone in "Zwischengleis" in 1978. Played Hale Burton in "How the West Was Won" in 1978. Played Dr. Robert Cook in "The Return of Captain Nemo" in 1978. Played Roberto Micheli in "I gabbiani volano basso" in 1978. Played Dr. Paolo Brogli in "Return of the Saint" in 1978. Played Nicholas Skinner in "Black Beauty" in 1978. Played Dr. Sidney Coleman in "The Fifth Floor" in 1978. Played Sheriff in "Hi-Riders" in 1978. Played King Eurich in "The Norseman" in 1978. Played Dr. Walker in "Stridulum" in 1979. Performed in "Eischied" in 1979. Performed in "Guyana: Crime of the Century" in 1979. Played Joshua in "Il fiume del grande caimano" in 1979. Played himself in "Cosas" in 1980. Played Dr. Sanford in "The Memory of Eva Ryker" in 1980. Played Anthony Durano in "Fugitive Family" in 1980. Played Evan Hammer (1981-1982) in "Behind the Screen" in 1981. Played David Mendelsson in "Lili Marleen" in 1981. Played Phillip Erikson in "Falcon Crest" in 1981. Performed in "Buitres sobre la ciudad" in 1981. Played Cornelius A. Woeagen in "Mille milliards de dollars" in 1982. Played Carl Charnock in "One Shoe Makes It Murder" in 1982. Played Anthony Palandrini in "Hotel" in 1983. Played Garrett Hardy in "Hotel" in 1983. Played Miles Austin in "Murder, She Wrote" in 1984. Played George Matthews in "Finder of Lost Loves" in 1984. Played Eric Brahm in "Murder, She Wrote" in 1984. Performed in "Glitter" in 1984. Played Franz Bollenstein in "Un tenero tramonto" in 1984. Played Arthur Orloff in "Seduced" in 1985. Played Judge Elkins in "Dream West" in 1986. Played Frederick in "Peter the Great" in 1986. Played himself in "Lunettes noires pour nuits blanches" in 1988. Performed in "Wild Jack" in 1989. Played Doctor in "Christine Cromwell" in 1989. Played Frankenheimer the CIA chief in "Eye of the Widow" in 1991. Played himself in "Audrey Hepburn Remembered" in 1993. Played Patriarch in "Catherine the Great" in 1996. Played Geppetto in "Stories from My Childhood" in 1998. Played himself in "Classified X" in 1998. Played himself in "The Audrey Hepburn Story" in 2000. Played himself in "The Bronze Screen: 100 Years of the Latino Image in American Cinema" in 2002. Played himself in "A Look in the Dark" in 2003. Played himself in "Starring - Taina Elg" in 2003. Played himself in "Audrey Hepburn: Ein Star auf der Suche nach sich selbst" in 2004. Played Harvey Wood in "My Name Is Buck" in 2006. Played Harvey Wood in "5ive Minutes with Marilyn" in 2007. Played Harvey Wood in "The Gator Creator" in 2007. Played Himself - In Memoriam in "The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards" in 2008. Played Himself - Memorial Tribute in "15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards" in 2009. Played Himself - Memorial Tribute in "The Orange British Academy Film Awards" in 2009. Played General Murchison in "De la B a la Z" in 2011.
Roberto Abbati has: Performed in "San Gottardo" in 1977. Performed in "Un enfant dans la tourmente" in 1990. Played Prof. Marino in "Un eroe borghese" in 1995. Played Barbone (2004) in "Un posto al sole" in 1996. Performed in "Giuseppe Verdi" in 2000. Performed in "La squadra" in 2000. Performed in "Ravanello pallido" in 2001. Performed in "Le ragazze di Miss Italia" in 2002. Played Vincenzo Rapallo in "Nel cuore della notte" in 2002. Performed in "Turno di notte: La falena" in 2002. Performed in "Giorni da Leone" in 2002. Played Man in "Il gatto nero" in 2003. Played Attilio Nogara in "Nebbie e delitti" in 2005. Performed in "R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti" in 2005. Performed in "Il commissario De Luca" in 2008. Played The Boss in "Armi" in 2009. Played Padre Dorando in "Il sogno del maratoneta" in 2012.