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The cast of Ultimul cartus - 1973 includes: Manea Alexandru Matei Alexandru Ion Anestin Mircea Anghelescu Mitzura Arghezi as Doamna Marga Barbu as Doamna Semaca Ion Besoiu as Secretar de partid Ion Bog Constantin Brezeanu Ilarion Ciobanu as Mihai Roman George Constantin as Semaca Mircea Cosma Dumitru Craciun Stelian Cremenciuc Sergiu Demetriad Costache Diamandi Nicolae Dolea Sabin Fagarasanu Constantin Florescu Pierre Gherase Dinu Gherasim as Comisar Dumitru Ghiuzelea Nineta Gusti as Patroana Marcel Hirjoghe Dumitru Honciuc Vasile Ichim Ernest Maftei as Anchetator Ion Manolescu Tudose Martinica as Dansator Victor Mavrodineanu Adrian Mihai Marica Negrea as Dansatoare Sergiu Nicolaescu as Comisarul Miclovan Sebastian Papaiani as Oarca Gheorghe Patru Amza Pellea as fratele lui Semaca Sever Plocon Cornel Poenaru Tudorel Popa Vasile Popa Colea Rautu as Banica Paul Rusca Florin Scarlatescu as Sotul patroanei Teodor Stavru Adrian Stefanescu

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Q: What actors and actresses appeared in Ultimul cartus - 1973?
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