The cast of Twinkie Byrd Monologue - 2013 includes: Shawntay Dalon
...One, hence the term monologue. As for the background you can have any number of actors, but they do not have any lines.
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Twinkie Byrds Monologue Slam Crystal Audition - 2013 includes: Crystal Roach as Maddy
The cast of Monologue - 1973 includes: Henry Woolf
The cast of Life Monologue - 2013 includes: Dominique Lafleur as Performing a Monologue
The cast of A Piece of Monologue - 2001 includes: Stephen Brennan
The cast of Monologue for HBFF - 2013 includes: Daniel Mentz
The cast of Comedic Monologue for Life - 2013 includes: Dominique LaFleur as Performing Monologue
The cast of Enigma of Monologue - 2010 includes: Ankur Bhatia as Abhi
The cast of Murder Monologue - 2008 includes: William Day as Actor
The cast of Vagina Monologue - 2013 includes: Sam Ritzenberg as Paul
The cast of Love Monologue - 2008 includes: Shauna Thomson as Shauna
The cast of Monologue - 2010 includes: Radek Hajda as The Man Janet Lane as The Woman
The cast of Elias Eats a Twinkie - 1995 includes: Elias as Elias Chad Bernhard as God