The cast of Turlis Abenteuer - 1967 includes: Kerstin Berger as Young Girl Fritz Decho Lutz Friedrich Herwart Grosse as Mr. Lehrer, Schoolmaster Robert Hanke Martin Hellberg as Arturo Lutz Kruger as Eduard Theo Mack Andreas Nehring as Alfons Vera Oelschlegel as Mirzilla the Fox Peter Pollatschek as Eusebius the Cat Harald Popig as Malte Gina Presgott Gerrhard Rosenlocher as Trumpeter Detlef Salzseider as Thomas Helmut Schreiber as Ringmaster Uwe Thielisch as Pinocchio as a Boy Detlev Wolf as Pippifax Carola Zschockelt as Pudel
The cast of Abenteuer 1900 - Leben im Gutshaus - 2004 includes: Karin Beese as Herself - Sommergast Sebastian Butscheid as Himself - Stallbursche Tim Kluck as Himself - Hausbursche Arndt Lange as Himself - Diener Klaus Lumpp as Himself - Koch Sarah Wiener as Herself - Mamsell
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Abenteuer Vierlinge - 2011 includes: Abby Hartmann
The cast of Abenteuer Ruhrpott - 2001 includes: Otto Sander
The cast of Abenteuer Egerland - 2011 includes: Ernst Hutter as himself
The cast of Sandokans Abenteuer - 2004 includes: Sergio Sollima as himself
The cast of Abenteuer Sibirien - 2012 includes: Marcus Schinkel as Genadi
The cast of Abenteuer Auto - 2000 includes: Jan Stecker as Host
The cast of Abenteuer Ferne - 2002 includes: Silvia Incardona as herself
The cast of Abenteuer eines Traumes - 1997 includes: Valentin Nita
The cast of Sielmanns Abenteuer Natur - 1996 includes: Heinz Sielmann as Host
The cast of Das Abenteuer eines Journalisten - 1914 includes: Ludwig Trautmann
The cast of Hilmi Paschas Abenteuer - 1919 includes: Willy Godlewski Ludwig Herold
The cast of Abenteuer im Warenhaus - 1917 includes: Ilse Bois Curt Bois