The Slim Shady Show was an animated web series created by Eminem in 2001. The main voice actors included Eminem himself as Slim Shady, Paul Rosenberg as Paul Bunyan, and Dina Rae as Kim. Other actors and actresses who made guest appearances on the show included Dr. Dre, Xzibit, and Proof.
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Colic - 2001 includes: Roger Maunder as Dad
The cast of Yugodivas - 2001 includes: Juliano Cacia as Sound Recordist
The cast of Mahasiswa bandung - 2001 includes: Adi as himself
The cast of Homestead Artifact - 2001 includes: Garnet McBride as herself
The cast of Asrar el-banaat - 2001 includes: Sherif Ramzy as Shady Maya Sheiha as Yasmine
The cast of Sneha - 2001 includes: Shakeela
The cast of Pranayakalathu - 2001 includes: Rudraprathab
The cast of Vezhambal - 2001 includes: Vijaymenon
The cast of Kawmaram - 2001 includes: Unni
The cast of Chitrathunukal - 2001 includes: Vijayaraghavan
The cast of Sea You - 2001 includes: Taeko
The cast of Nimishagal - 2001 includes: Devan
The cast of Darling - 2001 includes: Vetti
The cast of Maami - 2001 includes: Satheesh
The cast of Oscillations - 2001 includes: Orlan
The cast of Sagara - 2001 includes: Shakeela