The cast of The Hidden Camera Show - 1999 includes: Ainsley Harriott as himself
The cast of Hunting Big Game in Africa with Gun and Camera - 1922 includes: Sidney Snow as himself
The cast of Mercy Rule - 2014 includes: Kirk Cameron Chelsea Noble Bas Rutten Noah Staggs as Camera Man
The cast of Brooklyn Camera Club - 2010 includes: Segal Bengigi as Nadia Bianca Bovet as Lila France Feil as Lenore Scott Friend as Ash Steven Klavier as Steven - the Producer Patrick Letterii as Arthur
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of The Heart Is a Hidden Camera - 2008 includes: Jamie Harding as Theo Zulay Henao as Natasha Nate Lombardi as Bomber Amber Michele as Firebreather
The cast of People Traps - 2002 includes: Trace Beaulieu as himself Laurent Malaquais as Hidden camera shill
The cast of That Hidden Camera Family - 2011 includes: Vincent Davies as Dad Sharon Gavin as Mum Leila Hoffman as Gran Paris Omar as Emma Joseph Walsham as Jack Megan Winnard as Katie
The cast of The Hidden - 2012 includes: Lucas Handwerker
The cast of East Hastings Boulevard - 2011 includes: Domenico Cutrupi as Hidden Camera Julia Rhodes as Show Host
The cast of In Camera - 2013 includes: Olivia Haran as Clare
The cast of The Camera - 2011 includes: Abbie Lewis as Girl
The cast of Hidden Caribbeans - 2010 includes: Alisha Nurse
The cast of The Hidden Danger - 1917 includes: Mona Darkfeather
The cast of Tongue of the Hidden - 2008 includes: Jila Peacock
The cast of The Hidden Spring - 2012 includes: Moshe Ivgy
The cast of The Hidden Menace - 1925 includes: Charles Hutchison