The cast of The Critical Hour - 2003 includes: Sheila Abbott as Herself - Patient John Adamski as himself Nafma Ahmed as himself Edward Ahn as himself Sharnita Alexander as Herself - Paramedic Ashley Alston as Herself - Patient Yancy Anthony as himself Courtney Atkins as Herself - Hospital Volunteer Ashok Baburam as himself Zollie Bagby as himself Miriam Ballesteros as herself Christian Ballesteros as Himself - patient Joanne Banfield as Herself - Manager of Trauma Prevention Tarsha Barnes as herself Charline Berry as herself David Blizzard as Himself - Flight Paramedic Lashell Bloodworth as herself Earl Bogoch as himself James Bonar as himself Ryan Bowers as Himself - Patient Bryan Bowman as Himself - Police Sergeant Lowell Braswell as Himself - Patient Fred Brenneman as himself Scott Brillman as Himself - Paramedic Tracey Brith as herself Jamal Brown as Himself - Paramedic Mike Brzozowski as himself Josh Burks as Himself - Patient Mark Buscemi as Himself - Patient Sherry Carver as herself Cheri Carver as Herself - ER Nurse Jayme Cashman as Herself - Patient Bart Cashman as Himself - Patient Rebecca Chenoweth as Herself - Paramedic Talat Chughtai as himself Cheryl Cline as herself Denise Conner as herself Peter Conner as Himself - Paramedic Cannell Cooper as himself Michael Cusimano as himself Patricia Daugherty as herself Philip Daugherty as Himself - Patient Glenn DeCaire as Himself - Toronto Police Dee Dee Gillis as herself Laurie Demers as herself Lee Diehl as himself Ryan Etchels as Himself - constable Fred Farnswoth as Himself - Patient Mahmoud Fazl as himself Richard Ferraro as himself Joel Finkelstein as himself Rosa Flynn as Herself - Patient Lauren Freeman as herself David Gens as himself Dana Gibbons as Herself - patient Sheila Gilger as herself Jody Graham as Himself - Patient James Haan as himself Harold Hardinger as himself Nancy Harlow as Herself - ER Nurse Bradley Harrold as Himself - Crash Team Greg Hawryluk as himself Joshua Heins as himself Gavin Henry as himself Darren Henry as Himself - Patient Jake Hopper as Himself - Patient Joanne Hubbard as herself Leona Hurst as Herself - Patient Jason Huth as himself Oscar Karbi as himself Shamez Kassam as Himself - paramedic Dwight Kellicut as himself Terrance Kim as himself Adam Lacompte as Himself - Paramedic Joe Larivey as himself Warren Latham as himself Danny Lazo as Himself - Patient Donald Lehman as Himself - Flight Paramedic Victoria Less as Herself - Patient Clive Less as himself Brett Levinson as himself Denise Lowman as herself Dale Lowman as Himself - Mount Airy Fire Department Margaret Lumpkins as Herself - Patient Jesse MacNevin as Himself - Paramedic Joseph Mamazza as himself Cathy McClain as herself Courtney McCluskey as herself Finley McCool as Himself - Skydiver Reggie McCracken as Himself - Patient Scott McCullagh as himself Maureen McCunn as herself Michele McCutcher as Herself - Paramedic Marlon McEntyre as himself Joe McIlhenney as himself Joe McIlhenney as Himself - Flight Paramedic Brian McVey as himself Stacy Mele as herself James Mele as himself Brad Mele as Himself - Patient Tim Melingast as Himself - Patient Andre Mellerson as Himself - Patient Jay Menaker as himself Jimmie Meurrens as himself Jimmie Meurrens as Himself - Flight Paramedic Stephanie Michaelson as Herself - nurse Yat Ming Kong as himself Ronald Mintz as Himself - Paramedic Jason Moche as himself Sharon Moon as Herself - Patient Betty Morgenstern as Herself - Patient Eric Oberhauser as Himself - brother Christian Olmo as Himself - Jockey Lynn Olsen as Herself - Patient Giuseppe Papia as himself John Peach as Himself - Flight Paramedic Ebony Peacock as Herself - Patient Kimberly Peck as herself Donald Pickle as Himself - Flight Paramedic George Poteet as himself Tim Poteet as Himself - Patient Sue Ramzy as herself Nishi Rawit as himself Joseph Redcross as himself Loretta Regan as Herself - Patient Sandro Rizoli as himself Jackie Roseman as himself Thornnie Rouse as Himself - Maryland State Police Steve Salvatore as Narrator Rachelle Savannah as Herself - Physical Therapist Bruce Sawyer as Himself - patient Emil Schemitsch as himself Rachel Schiffhauer as Herself - Patient Eric Schiffhauer as himself Prashant Shah as himself Suzanne Sherwood as herself Cicely Simpson as Herself - Patient Troy Singh as Himself - Patient Services Assistant Amy Sisley as herself Eric Smothers as himself Eric Smothers as Himself - Flight Paramedic Carolyn Snider as herself Fernando Spencer as himself Susan Spina as herself Vanessa Stass as herself Andrew Steven Copley as Himself - Patient Ellyn Tennyson as herself Tipper Thomas as Himself - Patient Marvin Thrower as Himself - Paramedic Homer Tien as himself John Townley as himself Lorraine Tremblay as herself Clifford Turen as himself Chris Turl as Himself - patient Raul Valladares as Himself - patient Dora Waddy as Herself - Paramedic Krista Wainwright as Herself - Physical Therapist Chris Wentker as herself Christina Wheeler as Herself - Paramedic Sashia Wilson as Herself - Patient Albert Yee as himself Jody Zerback as herself Chad Zerback as Himself - Patient
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The cast of The Sneaker 7 - 2003 includes: Pammy The Sneaker
The cast of Stalker Blues - 2003 includes: Igor Vdovchenko
The cast of Real Renos - 2003 includes: Jim Caruk
The cast of Margam - 2003 includes: Meera Krishna Nedumudi Venu
The cast of Anatomiya t.A.T.u. - 2003 includes: Lena Katina as herself