

Best Answer

The cast of Telediario - 1957 includes: Larrea Ortiz Bonet Rogido Nieto Chumillas Mestre Mourenza Hoyos Salcedo Torrado Jara Abella as Herself - Culture Reporter Jara Abella as Herself - Reporter Jara Abella as Herself - Special Correspondent (El Hierro) Annabel Abril as Herself - Reporter Luis Acosta Mellado as Himself - Sports Reporter Soledad Aguado as Herself - Reporter Javier Alba as Himself - Newsreader Javier Alba as Himself - Sports Newsreader Miguel Albandoz as Herself - Reporter Miguel Albandoz as Himself - Reporter Miguel Albandoz as Himself - Sports Reporter Ovi Alberola as Herself - Reporter (La Rioja) Anna Alberti as Herself - Reporter Manuel Almendros as Himself - Newsreader Irene Alonso as Herself - Reporter Rita Alonso as Herself - Reporter Irene Alonso as Herself - Reporter (Asturias) Rita Alonso as Herself - Reporter (Galicia) Pedro Altares as Himself - Newsreader Lalo Alzueta as Himself - Sports Newsreader Lalo Alzueta as Himself - Sports Reporter Josep Antoni Moya as Himself - Reporter Josep Antoni Moya as Himself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Juan Antonio Tirado as Himself - Reporter Juan Antonio Tirado as Himself - Reporter (Fue informe) Conchi Aquesolo as Herself - Reporter (La Rioja) Meritxell Aranda as Herself - International Reporter Meritxell Aranda as Herself - Reporter Meritxell Aranda as Herself - Special Correspondant (Oslo) Cecilio Aranda as Himself - Reporter Diana Arias as Herself - Newsreader Diana Arias as Herself - Politics Reporter Diana Arias as Herself - Reporter Almudena Ariza as Herself - Corresponsal Almudena Ariza as Herself - Corresponsal (China) Almudena Ariza as Herself - Corresponsal (Nueva York) Almudena Ariza as Herself - Newsreade Almudena Ariza as Herself - Newsreader Almudena Ariza as Herself - Reporter Diego Arizpeleta as Himself - International Reporter Diego Arizpeleta as Himself - Reporter Diego Arizpeleta as Himself - Special Correspondant (New York) Diego Arizpeleta as Himself - Special Correspondant (Serbia) Diego Arizpeleta as Himself - Special Correspondent (Belgrado) Diego Arizpeleta as Himself - Special Correspondent (New York) Inza as Herself - Reporter Urdiales as Herself - Reporter Ballestero as Herself - Reporter Ortiz as Herself - Reporter Lumbreras as Herself - Reporter Olmos as Himself - Reporter Gandulf as Himself - Reporter Torrado as Himself - Reporter Lekue as Himself - Reporter Asensio as Himself - Reporter Saiz as Reporter David Astorga as Himself - Reporter Sandra Aswani as Herself - Reporter Emilia Ayala Emilia Ayala as Herself - Corresponsal Emilia Ayala as Herself - Corresponsal (Mexico) Emilia Ayala as Herself - Reporter Emilia Ayala as Herself - Special Correspondant (Santo Domingo) Ladislao Azcona as Himself - Newsreader Juan Ballesteros as Himself - Reporter (Castilla La Mancha) Silvia Barba as Herself - Reporter Silvia Barba as Herself - Sports Reporter Silvia Barba as Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Silvia Barba as Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London) Silvia Barba as Herself -Sports Reporter Silvia Barba as Himself - Sports Reporter Javier Bardem as himself Albert Barniol as Himself - Weather Forecaster Silvia Barraca as Herself - Reporter Merche Basadre as Herself - Reporter Sergi Bassolas as Himself - Reporter Carmen Bayona as Herself - Reporter Alba Beas as Herself - Reporter Arancha Bello as Herself - Reporter Arancha Bello as Herself - Reporter (Cantabria) Vanessa Benedicto as Herself - Reporter Cristina Blach as Herself - Politics Reporter Cristina Blach as Herself - Reporter Cristina Blach as Herself - Reporter (Asturias) Benigno Blanco as Himself - Reporter Marcelino Blanes as Himself - Reporter Margalida Blanquer as Herself - Reporter Domingo Bobillo as Himself - Reporter Domingo Bobillo as Himself - Reporter (Galicia) Montserrat Boix as Herself - International Reporter Montserrat Boix as Herself - Reporter Maribel Boix as Herself - Reporter Miguel Boix as Himself - Reporter Carmen Bonet as Herself - Reporter Alfred Bosch as himself Cristina Bravo as Herself - Reporter Cristina Bravo as Herself - Reporter (Castilla La Mancha) Pepa Bueno as Herself - Hostess Pepa Bueno as Herself - Newsreader Pepa Bueno as Herself - Special Correspondent Montse Busquets as Herself - Reporter Montse Busquets as Herself - Sports Reporter Pura Caballero as Herself - Reporter Rosa Cabrera Gitto as Herself - Reporter Borja Cacho as Himself - Reporter Elena Calero as Herself - Reporter Ada Calvo as Herself - Reporter Marc Campdelacreu as Himself - Economics Reporter Marc Campdelacreu as Himself - Reporter Manuel Campo Vidal as Himself - Newsreader Salva Campos as Herself - Sports Reporter Salva Campos as Himself - Sports Reporter Salva Campos as Himself - Sports Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Francesca Campoy as Herself - Reporter Inma Canet as Herself - Reporter Inma Canet as Herself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Inma Canet as Herself - Sports Reporter Adela Cantalapiedra as Herself - Newsreader David Cantero as Himself - Newsreader Luis Carandell as Himself - Newsreader Marta Carazo as Herself - Politics Reporter Marta Carazo as Herself - Reporter Diego Carcedo as Himself - Corresponsal Amat Carceller Amat Carceller as Himself - Reporter Amat Carceller as Himself - Sports Reporter Amat Carceller as Himself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Gonzalo Caretti as Himself - Reporter Juan Carlos de la Fuente as Himself - Reporter Juan Carlos de la Fuente as Himself - Reporter (Cantabria) Juan Carlos Rivero as Himself - Sports Newsreader Juan Carlos Rivero as Himself - Sports Reporter Juan Carlos Rivero as Himself - Sports Reporters Mari Carmen Izquierdo as Herself - Sports Newsreader Elena Carranza as Herself - Culture Reporter Elena Carranza as Herself - Reporter Maria Casado as Herself - Hostess Maria Casado as Herself - Newsreader Paz Casariego as Herself - Reporter Paz Casariego as Herself - Reporter (Asturias) Teresa Castanedo as Herself - Newsreader Jenaro Castro as Himself - Newsreader Yolanda Chillida as Herself - Economics Reporter Yolanda Chillida as Herself - Reporter Georgina Cisquella as Herself - Newsreader (avance de tarde) Tania Cobo Tania Cobo as Herself - Reporter Borja Collado as Himself - International Reporter Borja Collado as Himself - Reporter Mayte Contreras as Herself - Reporter Rosa Correa as Herself - Reporter Mari Cruz as Herself - Reporter Mari Cruz Esteban as Herself - Sports Reporter David Cubedo as Himself - Newsreader Rosana Cuervo as Herself - Reporter Ana Cuesta as Herself - Reporter Luis de Benito as Himself - Corresponsal (Belgium) Luis de Benito as Himself - Special Correspondent (Luxemburgo) Carlos de la Morena as Himself - Reporter Carlos de la Morena as Himself - Reporter (Castilla La Mancha) Esmeralda de la Paz as Herself - Economics Reporter Esmeralda de la Paz as Herself - Reporter Antonio de la Torre as himself Ana de Roque as Herself - Weather Forecaster Nico de Vicente Nico de Vicente as Himself - Reporter Nico de Vicente as Himself - Sorts Reporter Nico de Vicente as Himself - Sports Newsreader Nico de Vicente as Himself - Sports Reporter Nico de Vicente as Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour de Francia) Nico de Vicente as Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour) Carlos del Amor as Himself - Culture Reporter Carlos del Amor as Himself - Reporter Carlos del Amor as Himself - Sports Reporter Perico Delgado as Himself - Reporter Perico Delgado as Himself - Sports Newsreader Perico Delgado as Himself - Sports Reporter Perico Delgado as Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour de Francia) Perico Delgado as Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour) Milagros Diana as Herself - Reporter Milagros Diana as Herself - Reporter (Castilla La-Mancha)) Lois Docampo as Himself - Reporter Lois Docampo as Himself - Reporter (Galicia) Cristina Dosal as Herself - Reporter Cristina Dosal as Herself - Reporter (Cantabria) Mikel Ercibengoa as Himself - Reporter Mikel Ercibengoa as Himself - Sports Reporter Josu Erkoreka as himself Consuelo Escudero as Herself - Reporter Natalia Escudero as Herself - Reporter Carol Espona as Herself - Investigation Reporter Carol Espona as Herself - Reporter Marta Estarellas as Herself - Reporter (Baleares) Gemma Esteba as Herself - Reporter Gemma Esteba as Herself - Reporter (Catalonia) Gemma Esteba as Herself - Special Correspondant (Tanzania) Susana Famoso as Herself - Reporter Yolanda Ferrer as Herself - International Reporter Yolanda Ferrer as Herself - Reporter Yolanda Ferrer as Herself - Special Correspondent (Afganistan) Laura Ferrer as Herself - Sports Reporter Carmen Ferrero as Herself - Reporter Judith Figueiredo as herself Judith Figueiredo as Herself - Reporter Judith Figueiredo as Herself - Reporter (Extremadura) Judith Figueiredo as Herself - Reporter (Extremadyra) Maurici Figueras as Himself - Economics Reporter Maurici Figueras as Himself - Politics Reporter Maurici Figueras as Himself - Reporter Paula Filgueiras as herself Paula Filgueiras as Herself - Reporter Concha Flores as Herself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Aida Folch as herself Laura Folguera as Herself - Reporter Pau Fons as Himself - Reporter Albert Font as Himself - Reporter Albert Font as Himself - Sorts Reporter Albert Font as Himself - Sports Reporter Anna Forment as Herself - Reporter Xabier Fortes as Himself - Reporter Xabier Fortes as Himself - Reporter (Galicia) Alberto Fraile as Himself - Reporter Juan Francisco Molina Juan Francisco Molina as Himself - Economics Reporter Juan Francisco Molina as Himself - Reporter Carme Franco as Herself - Reporter Carlos Franganillo as Himself - Corresponsal Carlos Franganillo as Himself - Corresponsal (Russia) Carlos Franganillo as Himself - International Reporter Carlos Franganillo as Himself - Reporter Carlos Franganillo as Himself - Special Correspodent (Japan)t) Carlos Franganillo as Himself - Special Correspondent (Japan) Alberto Freile as Himself - Reporter Blanca Gala as Herself - Newsreader Aina Galduf as Herself - Reporter Miriam Gallego as Herself - Reporter Marga Gallego as Herself - Reporter Ana Gamar as Herself - Reporter Mariana Gancedo as Herself - Politics Reporter Mariana Gancedo as Herself - Reporter Natalia Garmendia Natalia Garmendia as Herself - Reporter Ferran Garrido as Himself - Reporter Ferran Garrido as Himself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Lorena Gracia as Herself - Reporter Paco Grande as Himself - Sports Reporter Paco Grande as Himself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Teresa Gray as Herself - Reporter Anna Grimau as Herself - Reporter Roi Groba as Himself - Reporter Almudena Guerrero as Herself - Newsreader (avance) Almundena Guerrero as Herself - Reporter Olga Guerrero as Herself - Reporter Almudena Guerrero as Herself - Reporter Almudena Guerrero as Herself - Reporter (Castilla a Mancha) Almudena Guerrero as Herself - Reporter (Castilla La Mancha) Almudena Guerrero as Herself - Reporter (Castilla La- Mancha) Virginia Haba as Herself - Reporter Virginia Haba as Herself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Virginia Haba as Herself Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Antonio Hernando as Himself - Reporter Alejandra Herranz as Herself - Newsreader Alejandra Herranz as Herself - Reporter Eva Herrero as Herself - Reporter Patricia Hidalgo as Herself - Reporter Patricia Hidalgo as Herself - Reporter (Murcia) Teo Higuero as Himself - Reporter Teo Higuero as Himself - Sports Reporter Clara Hostalet as Herself - International Reporter Clara Hostalet as Herself - Reporter Judit Huerta as herself Judit Huerta as Herself - Reporter Anne Igartiburu as herself Jorge Igual as Himself - Sports Newsreader Jorge Igual as Himself - Sports Reporter Josune Imizcoz as Herself - Culture Reporter Josune Imizcoz as Herself - Reporter Marta Inglemo as Herself - Reporter Clara Isabel Francia as Herself - Newsreader Marta Jaumandreu as Herself - Newsreader Nadia Kolotushkina as herself Nadia Kolotushkina as Herself - Reporter Nadia Kolotushkina as Herself - Society Reporter Nadia Kolotushkina as Herself - Special Correspondant (El Hierro) Nadia Kolotushkina as Herself - Special Correspondent (El Hierro) De la Fuente as Herself - Reporter Luis Labandeira as Himself - Reporter Luis Labandeira as Himself - Reporter (Galicia) Alejandro Laguna as Himself - Reporter Olga Lambea as Herself - Newsreader Javier Lanza as Himself - Reporter Adriana Latrilla as Herself - Reporter Princesa Letizia de Asturias as Herself - Newsreader Pedro Lezcano as Himself - Reporter (Cantabria) Luis Lianes as Himself - Reporter Luis Lianes as Himself - Special Correspondant Luis Lianes as Himself - Special Correspondant (Dubai) Luis Lianes as Himself - Special Correspondant (Paraguay) Luis Lianes as Himself - Special Correspondent Luis Lianes as Himself - Special Correspondent (Santiago de Compostela) Chenti Llorca as Herself - Reporter (Canarias) Rafa Lobo as Himself - Host Avelino Losada as Himself - International Reporter Diego Losada as Himself - Newsreader (avance) Diego Losada as Himself - Reporter Aitor Lourido Aitor Lourido as Himself - Reporter Curra Luengo as Herself - International Reporter Curra Luengo as Herself - Newsreader Curra Luengo as Herself - Reporter Juan Luis Albizua as Himself - Reporter Juan Luis Callau as Himself - Reporter (Canarias) Isabel Luna as Herself - Reporter Julia Luna as Herself - Reporter Julia Luna as Herself - Sports Reporter Baltasar Magro as Himself - Newsreader Alicia Manzanares as Herself - Reporter Joan Marcet as Himself - Corresponsal (Marruecos) Joan Marcet as Himself - Corresponsal (Rabat) Joan Marcet as Himself - Reporter Joan Marcet as Himself - Special Correspodent (Rabat) Arantxa Marculeta as Herself - Culture Reporter Arantxa Marculeta as Herself - International Reporter Arantxa Marculeta as Herself - Reporter Arantxa Marculeta as Herself - Special Correspondent (Santiago de Compostela) Josep Maria Balcells as Himself - Newsreader Joana Marina Rogido as Herself - Reporter (Baleares) Joana Martina Reguant as Herself - Reporter (Baleares) Alazne Maturana as Herself - Reporter Leonor Mayorga as Herself - Reporter Paz Mediavilla as Herself - Reporter Mariano Medina as Himself - Weather Forecaster Pedro Meyer as Himself - Newsreader Vicky Montero as Herself - Reporter Paco Montesdeoca as Himself - Weather Forecaster Eva Mora as Herself - Reporter Mino Moral as Himself - Reporter Sandra Morales as Herself - Reporter Estrella Moreno as Herself - Politics Reporter Estrella Moreno as Herself - Reporter Rafael Nadal as himself Raquel Navarro as Herself - Reporter Raquel Navarro as Herself - Sports Reporter Pepe Navarro as Himself - Newsreader Luis Navera Luis Navera as Himself - Reporter Virginia Negro as Herself - International Reporter Oriol Nolis as Himself - Newsreader Oriol Nolis as Himself - Reporter Elena Ochoa as Herself - Politics Reporter Elena Ochoa as Herself - Reporter Isabel Ojeda as Herself - Reporter Mario Ojuel as Himself - Reporter Mario Ojuel as Himself - Special Correspondent (Tour 2008) Mario Ojuel as Himself - Sports Reporter Mario Ojuel as Himself - Sports Reporter (Italy - Giro) Mario Ojuel as Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour 2008) Mario Ojuel as Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour de Francia) Mario Ojuel as Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour) Cristina Olea as Herself - International Reporter Cristina Olea as Herself - Politics Reporter Cristina Olea as Herself - Reporter Cristina Olea as Herself - Special Correspondent (Rome) Jaume Oliver as Himself - Reporeter (Baleares) Jaume Oliver as Himself - Reporter Jaume Oliver as Himself - Reporter (Baleares) Miguel Ors as Himself - Sports Newsreader Eva Otero as Herself - Reporter Eva Otero as Herself - Reporter (Melilla) Manuel Ovalle as Himself - Reporter Edurne Pascual as Herself - Reporter Maite Pascual as Herself - Reporter Maite Pascual as Herself - Special Correspondent Charo Pascual as Herself - Weather Forecaster Sara Pellicer as Herself - Corresponsal Sara Pellicer as Herself - Reporter Ramon Pellicer as Himself - Newsreader Eva Pena as Herself - Reporter Eva Pena as Herself - Reporter (Galicia) Enrique Peris as Himself - Newsreader Guadalupe Peromingo as Herself - Reporter David Picazo as Himself - Corresponsal David Picazo as Himself - Corresponsal (France) David Picazo as Himself - Reporter David Picazo as Himself - Special Correspondent (France) David Picazo as Himself - Special Correspondent (Paris) Pedro Piqueras as Himself - Newsreader Ricardo Pomares as Herself - Reporter Ricardo Pomares as Himself - Reporter Ricardo Pomares as Himself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Nacho Poveda Rey as Himself - Sports Reporter Ana Poyal as Herself - Reporter (Asturias) Victoria Prego as Herself - Newsreader Lara Prieto Alvela as Herself - Reporter Cristina Provencio as Herself - Sports Reporter Roser Puy as Herself - Reporter Roser Puy as Herself - Reporter (Baleares) Martina Ramis as Herself - Reporter (Baleares) Mateo Ramonell as Himself - Reporter (Baleares) Sara Ramos as Herself - Reporter Sara Ramos as Herself - Sports Reporter Giulia Re as Herself - Reporter Mireia Recasens Mireia Recasens as Herself - Reporter Mireia Recasens as Himself - Reporter Raquel Redondo as Herself - Economics Reporter Raquel Redondo as Herself - Reporter Raquel Redondo as Himself - Reporter Elisabeth Reig as Herself - Reporter Elisabeth Reig as Herself - Reporter (Canarias) Pilar Requena as Herself - Corresponsal Pilar Requena as Herself - International Reporter Pilar Requena as Herself - Reporter Pilar Requena as Herself - Special Correspondant Pilar Requena as Herself - Special Correspondant (Libia) Helena Resano as Herself - Newsreader Manu Riau as Himself - Reporter Manuel Riau as Himself - Sports Reporter Pepe Ribagorda as Himself - Newsreader Patricia Ribas as Herself - Reporter Marta Ribas as Herself - Reporter Alejandro Riego Alejandro Riego as Himself - International Reporter Alejandro Riego as Himself - Politics Reporter Alejandro Riego as Himself - Reporter Montse Rigall as Herself - Reporter Jaume Riutord as Herself - Reporter Jaume Riutord as Himself - Reporter Mertitxell Rivas as Herself - Reporter Ernest Riveras as Himself - Reporter Ernest Riveras as Himself - Sports Reporter Ernest Riveras as Himself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Lara Robles as Herself - Politics Reporter Lara Robles as Herself - Reporter Mariano Rodrigo as Himself - Reporter Mariano Rodrigo as Himself - Reporter (Fue informe) Rosana Romero as herself Rosana Romero as Herself - Newsreader Nieves Romero as Herself - Newsreader Rosana Romero as Herself - Reporter Rosana Romero as Herself - Sports Newsreader Rosana Romero as Herself - Sports Reporter Rosana Romero as Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Fernando Roncal as himself Fernando Roncal as Himself - Reporter Fernando Roncal as Himself - Reporter (Navarra) Fernando Roncal as Himself - Sports Reporter Fernando Roncal as Himself - Sports Reporter (Navarra) Ana Rosa Quintana as Herself - Newsreader Conxa Rosillo as Herself - Reporter Concha Rosillo as Herself - Reporter (Baleares) Conxa Rosillo as Herself - Reporter (Baleares) Susana Roza Vigil as Herself - Hostess Susana Roza Vigil as Herself - Newsreader Azucena Rubiato as Herself - Reporter (Castilla La Mancha) Azucena Rubiato as Herself - Reporter Castilla La Mancha) Elena Rubio as herself Paz Rubio as Herself - Culture Reporter Elena Rubio as Herself - Culture Reporter Paz Rubio as Herself - Newsreader Elena Rubio as Herself - Politics Reporter Elena Rubio as Herself - Politics Reporter (France) Paz Rubio as Herself - Reporter Elena Rubio as Herself - Reporter Paz Rubio as Herself -Reporter Izaskun Ruiz as Herself - Reporter Izaskun Ruiz as Herself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Izaskun Ruiz as Herself - Sport sReporter Izaskun Ruiz as Herself - Sports Newsreader Izaskun Ruiz as Herself - Sports Reporter Izaskun Ruiz as Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Izaskun Ruiz as Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London) Sagrario Ruiz de Apodaca as Herself - Reporter Sagrario Ruiz de Apodaca as Herself - Special Correspondant (Greece) Sagrario Ruiz de Apodaca as Herself - Special Correspondent (Greece) Carlos Ruscalleda as Himself - Reporter Irene Sacaluga as Herself - Reporter Sagrario Saiz as Herself - Reporter Eduardo Sancho as Himself - Corresponsal Eduardo Sancho as Himself - Newsreader Pilar Sanjurjo as Herself - Weather Forecaster Nayra Santana as Herself - Reporter Pilar Santana as Herself - Reporter (Canarias) Nayra Santana as Herself - Reporter (Canarias) Elena Santos as Herself - Culture Reporter Elena Santos as Herself - Politics Reporter Elena Santos as Herself - Reporter Sergio Sauca as Herself - Sports Newsreader Sergio Sauca as Himself - Sports Newsreader Sergio Sauca as Himself - Sports Newsreader (London) Sergio Sauca as Himself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Sergio Sauca as Himself - Sports Special Correspondent (London) Luisa Segura Albert as Herself - Reporter Miguel Serrano Olivares as Himself - Sports Reporter Miguel Serrano Olivares as Himself -Sports Reporter Alberto Sierra as Himself - Sports Reporter Alberto Sierra as Himself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) Lara Siscar as Herself - Newsreader Lara Siscar as Herself - Newsreader (avance) Yolanda Sobero as Herself - Special Correspondent (Bolivia) Esperanza Solano as Herself - Newsreader Silvia Solano as Herself - Reporter Esperanza Solano as Herself - Sports Reporter Florencio Solchaga as Himself - Newsreader Pedro Soler as Himself - Reporter Eduardo Sotillos as himself Eduardo Sotillos as Himself - Newsreader Patricia Souza as herself Helena Suescun Helena Suescun as Herself - Reporter Helena Suescun as Herself - Reporter (Navarra) Sandra Sutherland as Herself - Newsreader Sandra Sutherland as Herself - Reporter Alba Teixidor as Herself - Reporter Montse Tejera as Herself - Reporter Isabel Tenaille as Herself - Newsreader Carolina Teruel as Herself - Reporter Manuel Toharia as Himself - Weather Forecaster Esteban Torrado as Himself - Reporter Arantxa Torres as Herself - Politics Reporter Arantxa Torres as Herself - Reporter Arantxa Torres as Himself - Politics Reporter Arantxa Torres as Himself - Reporter Arantxa Torres as Himself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Arantxa Torres as Himself - Special Correspondent (Lisbon) Ana Torrico as Herself - International Reporter Ana Torrico as Herself - Reporter Patricia Torvisco as Herself - Economics Reporter Patricia Torvisco as Herself - Reporter Xan Touceda as Himself - Reporter (Galicia) Fernando Trueba as himself Alfredo Urdaci as Himself - Newsreader Alberto Urdiales Melania Valencia as Herself - Reporter Melania Valencia as Herself - Reporter (Canarias) Irene Vaquerizo as Herself - Reporter Irene Vaquero as Herself - Reporter Luis Vedia as Himself - International Reporter Luis Vedia as Himself - Reporter Carmen Vicente Carmen Vicente as Herself - Reporter Iliana Viera as Herself - Reporter Marina Vila as Herself - Reporter (Galicia) Miguel Vila as Himself - Sports Newsreader Celsa Villanueva as Herself - Reporter Antonio Villarroel as Himself - Reporter Nekane Villasante as Herself - Reporter Nekane Villasante as Herself - Reporter (Cantabria) Gaizka Villate as Himself - Reporter Eva Visa as Herself - Reporter Olga Viza as Herself - Newsreader Manuela Zamora as Herself - Reporter Ana Zas as Herself - Reporter Ana Zas as Herself - Reporter (Galicia) Usoa Zubiria as Herself - Investigation Reporter Usoa Zubiria as Herself - Reporter Ernest Zurriaga as Himself - Reporter Ernest Zurriaga as Himself - Reporter (Comunidad Valenciana) Tello Zurro as Himself - Newsreader

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The cast of Teniente Rosario - 1937 includes: Teddy Benavides Andres Centenera Rogelio de la Rosa Lucita Goyena Precioso Palma

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Q: What actors and actresses appeared in Telediario - 1957?
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What movie and television projects has Nico de Vicente been in?

Nico de Vicente has: Performed in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Newsreader in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour de Francia) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sorts Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957.

When was Telediario created?

Telediario was created on 1957-09-15.

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Mario Ojuel has: Played Himself - Sports Reporter (Italy - Giro) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour 2008) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Special Correspondent (Tour 2008) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter (Tour de Francia) in "Telediario" in 1957.

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Rosana Romero has: Played Herself - Newsreader in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played herself in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Sports Newsreader in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Sports Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Final de la Copa Davis 2011" in 2011.

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Silvia Barba has: Played Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London 2012) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Sports Special Correspondent (London) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself -Sports Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Sports Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994.

What movie and television projects has Alejandro Riego been in?

Alejandro Riego has: Performed in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Politics Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - International Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994.

What movie and television projects has Paz Rubio been in?

Paz Rubio has: Played Herself - Culture Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Newsreader in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself -Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994.

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Fernando Roncal has: Played Himself - Sports Reporter (Navarra) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played himself in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Sports Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter (Navarra) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994. Played Himself - Reporter (Navarra) in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994.

What movie and television projects has Emilia Ayala been in?

Emilia Ayala has: Performed in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Corresponsal (Mexico) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Corresponsal in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Special Correspondant (Santo Domingo) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Corresponsal in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994. Played Herself - Special Correspondent (Tegucigalpa) in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994.

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The cast of Mahiravana - 1957 includes: Balkrishna

What movie and television projects has Diego Arizpeleta been in?

Diego Arizpeleta has: Played Himself - Special Correspondent (Belgrado) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Special Correspondant (Serbia) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Special Correspondant (New York) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - International Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Reporter in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Himself - Special Correspondent (New York) in "Telediario" in 1957. Played Herself - Reporter in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994. Played Himself - Special Correspondent (New York) in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994.

What actors and actresses appeared in Sopot 1957 - 1957?

The cast of Sopot 1957 - 1957 includes: Jerzy Wasowski as Narrator