The cast of Sunny Side Up - 2008 includes: Craig Frank as Frank Andrew Minin as Sergio Matthew Moreno as Italian Mobster Andrey Priadkin as Russian Mobster 1 Cal Rein as Hugo Vsevolod Soloviev as Russian Mobster 2 Charles Squillacote as Tony David Zaiss
The cast of Basic Training - 2006 includes: Razaaq Adoti as himself Richard Brake as himself Dwayne Johnson as himself Karl Urban as himself
The cast of Rhia - 2008 includes: Sobia Parveen as Girl
The cast of Abimbowe - 2008 includes: Aurora Villanueva as Agustina
The cast of Wish You Were Here - 2008 includes: Jennine Profeta
The cast of Wall Poster - 2008 includes: Brahmanandam Bhuvaneswari
The cast of Wasps - 2008 includes: James Cadden Codie Mclachlan
The cast of One Sunny Morning - 2008 includes: Ciaran Kenny as Man
The cast of Hair of the Dog - 2008 includes: Tracey Hway as Sunny Shawn Lawrence as Wickens
The cast of Pizza Discordia - 2008 includes: Arin Malhotra Sacha Nathan Sunny Sachdev
The cast of Tomorrow Arigato - 2008 includes: Jackie Chung as Sunny Louis Ozawa Changchien as Hiro
The cast of Sunny Hill - 2008 includes: Uta Kargel as Maja Beat Marti as Reto Karsten Mielke as Gabriel Patrick Rapold as Michael Araba Walton as Jo Maryam Zaree as Anil
The cast of Sunny Life - 2008 includes: Grant Kissel Jennica Nims as Sunny June Webb
The cast of Christ in a Tub - 2008 includes: Steven Allen as Religious Neighbor Cassandra Church as Religious Wife Sunny James Lohden as Neighbor
The cast of Me and You - 2008 includes: Daniela Dakich
The cast of She - 2008 includes: Sheersha Perera
The cast of Deeflowered - 2008 includes: Mike DeKovic as Dr. Sunny Day Jessica Del Monte as Nancy Dietrick Marc Tresenrider as Boyfriend Johny Walker as Cardinal Nutty
The cast of Is What Was - 2008 includes: Jerry Tartaglia as himself
The cast of The Pageant - 2008 includes: Ellashaye