The cast of Shadows of the Same Sun - 2010 includes: Dennis Farrel as Surf Legend Joey Frrok Giamona as Surfer William Hallet as Narator Dee McClean as Surf Legend Mickey McManamin as Surf Legend John McNeme as Surf Legend Buddy Sammis as Surf Legend Steve Stathis as Surfer
The cast of Stars of Tomorrow - 2010 includes: Suzan Artuc as Herself - Participant Richard Cantillo as Himself - Participant Zuleika Coffie as Herself - Participant Zuleika Coffie as Teacher Kaylan Cooper as Herself - Participant Hilyann Croes as Beth Natusha Croes as Herself - Participant Hilyann Croes as Herself - Participant Alexlindy Croes as Herself - Participant Natusha Croes as Sandy Josey De Cuba as Herself - Participant Josey De Cuba as Sophie Juan Francisco Pardo as Himself - Participant Germille Geerman as Himself - Participant Aline Hibbert as Herself - Participant Elseline Hirschfeld as Herself - Participant Lara Kuiperi as Herself - Participant Charlene Leslie as Herself - Participant Raphaela Mahadeo as Herself - Participant Raphaela Mahadeo as Mom Derick Martina as Himself - Host Olando Nicastia as Himself - Participant Lindsay Riley as Cindy Lindsay Riley as Herself - Participant Megan Rojer as Herself - Participant Megan Rojer as Venus Ben Steel as Himself - Host Laine Tromp as Herself - Participant Sharmaine Tromp as Herself - Participant Alrick Tromp as Himself - Participant Rodney Tromp as Himself - Participant Sharmaine Tromp as Jane Laine Tromp as Sarah Rudrick Van Der Linden as Himself - Participant Rudrick Van Der Linden as Roger Ligia Violenus as Herself - Participant Ligia Violenus as Nurse Victoria Chloe Warner as Herself - Participant Jorina Werleman as Herself - Participant Hildward Werleman as Himself - Participant Jorina Werleman as Jasmine Shade Wever as Herself - Participant
The cast of Lucretia - 2010 includes: Patricia Ramshaw
The cast of Zupa - 2010 includes: Lene Duncker
The cast of For Better for Worse - 2010 includes: Raeesa Mohamed
The cast of Explore - 2010 includes: Luca Cacitti Yael Cibulski
The cast of Coach Snoop - 2010 includes: Snoop Dogg
The cast of This Is Not - 2010 includes: Josh Thorud
The cast of Illangyan - 2010 includes: Khushboo
The cast of Her - 2010 includes: Jade Diaz as Anna
The cast of Get Out - 2010 includes: Alberto Corral as Guy
The cast of Be There for Me - 2010 includes: Therese McPherson as Michelle
The cast of You and Me - 2010 includes: Annelise Krause as herself
The cast of As You Were - 2010 includes: Niamh Dillon as Girl
The cast of Not I - 2010 includes: Deniz Demirer as Marek
The cast of Muenchhausen - 2010 includes: Capote
The cast of Numbnuts - 2010 includes: The Horse as Himself (2010)
The cast of Arabesque - 2010 includes: Jessica Boynton
The cast of Subway - 2010 includes: Patrick Avella