The cast of Point de fuite - 1987 includes: Catherine Aymerie as La Prof Nue
The cast of Gare du Nord - 2013 includes: Nabil Al Ahmadi as Agent renseignements Elodie Anquier as Vanessa Mohamed Bealiboud as Mohamed le serveur Marc Bodnar as Homme fou Nader Boussandel as Le producteur de Sacha Sophie Bredier as Vendeuse Agatha Lou Castel as Ali, le clochard Gabriel Chavrial as Fils de Joan Monia Chokri as Joan Florentina Constantin as Gitane Michael Dai as Moti, vendeur de bonbons Adulai Djalo as Dragueur africain Alouane Djilali as Berkham Abdelhadi El Fakir as Passager du Thalys Florence Feirrera as Mendiante perruque Nicole Garcia as Mathilde Delaunay Samir Guesmi as Homme Hello Kitty Elise Jacquet as Fille battue Valentin Lonut as Jeune gitan Domenico Mele as Homme sarde en fuite Max Nastase as Mario Dimitri Nicole as Vincent, le militant Stuart Nimmo as Homme britannique Jacques Nolot as Client Mario Arnaud Nsende as Congolais amateur de foot Christophe Paou as Gaspard, le compagnon de Joan Viorica Paun as Gitane Pawel Pawlikowski as Le patron de Joan Pascal Pecout as Officier de police de quart Guillaume Poncet as Client toilettes Transilien Samantha Potcoava as Gitane Romain Rocher as Policier en civil Elena Rup as Gitane Mick Ven den Berg as Lieutenant colonel Lucille Vieaux as Vendeuse lingerie Sadreddine Zahed as Marchand de chaussures iranien
Sylvie Favre has: Played Berthe in "Le plus heureux des trois" in 1957. Played Tante Etel in "Le passager clandestin" in 1975. Performed in "La gueule du loup" in 1981. Played Catherine in "Sept hommes en enfer" in 1981. Performed in "Antonieta" in 1982.
Sayaka Aida has: Performed in "Power Stone" in 1999. Played Child in "The Big O" in 1999. Performed in "Power Stone 2" in 2000. Played Boy b in "Inuyasha" in 2000. Played Isaribi in "Naruto" in 2002. Played Akagane in "Shinobi" in 2002. Performed in "Zeruda no densetsu Towairaito purinsesu" in 2006.
Adeyto has: Performed in "Nurse no oshigoto" in 1996. Performed in "Kiken na kankei" in 1999. Played Catherine in "Namida o fuite" in 2000. Played Fashion model in "Beautiful Life" in 2000. Performed in "Sekai Gyoten News" in 2000. Performed in "SmaSTATION" in 2001. Played herself in "SmaSTATION" in 2001. Played French employee in "Ashita ga aru sa" in 2001. Played Emma in "Meoto manzai" in 2001. Played TV Shopping actress in "Hero" in 2001. Performed in "Seikei bijin." in 2002. Performed in "Taiyo no kisetsu" in 2002. Played Introducing Chocolat de H in "Gaia no yoake" in 2002. Played Secretary in "Hi wa mata noboru" in 2002. Performed in "Mayonaka no ame" in 2002. Played Celebrity in "Yoisho no otoko" in 2002. Played Jessica in "Yanpapa" in 2002. Played Movie Actress in "Hatsu taiken" in 2002. Performed in "Bijo ka yaju" in 2003. Performed in "Cosmetic" in 2003. Played Girl in NY church in "Renai shashin" in 2003. Played Italian lady in "Kanojo ga shinjatta." in 2004. Played Fashion model in "Umizaru" in 2004. Performed in "Slow Dance" in 2005. Performed in "Enjin" in 2005. Played German newscaster in "Ski Jumping Pairs: Road to Torino 2006" in 2006. Played Princess Diana in "Za, besuto hausu 123" in 2006. Performed in "Okusama ha gaikokujin" in 2006. Played Prof. Sophie in "Purimadamu" in 2006. Performed in "Rasuto rabu" in 2007. Performed in "First Kiss" in 2007. Played Ryokan guest in "Asakusa Fukumaru Ryokan" in 2007. Played Anna in "Ikiru" in 2007. Performed in "Haikei, Chichiue-sama" in 2007. Played French coach for Mrs. Ito in "Yama onna kabe onna" in 2007. Played Jazz singer in "Hana yori dango: Fainaru" in 2008. Performed in "Tsuin gyangu 2" in 2008. Played Kennie Il Dark in "Detoroito Metaru Shiti" in 2008. Played Announcer C in "Canaan" in 2009. Played Hollywood Star in "Shokudo katatsumuri" in 2009. Played Series Presenter in "Journeys in Japan" in 2010. Played Marie Antoinette in "Yamato nadeshiko shichihenge" in 2010. Played Nurse in "Nichirin no isan" in 2011. Played herself in "Japan in a Day" in 2012. Played Lana Clarkson in "Sekai Houtei Mystery" in 2012.
Paulo Branco has: Played Carlos in "Vidas" in 1984. Performed in "Point de fuite" in 1984. Played Preto in "Alentejo Sem Lei" in 1988. Played himself in "Flash Moda" in 1993. Played himself in "Mundo VIP" in 1996. Played himself in "Jornal Nacional" in 1996. Played Himself (Best Film) in "Globos de Ouro 1996" in 1997. Played himself in "Noites Marcianas" in 2001. Played Batistella in "Mister V." in 2003. Played himself in "Dans la peau de... Paulo Branco" in 2005. Played Godofredo Monteiro in "Coisa Ruim" in 2006. Played Himself (Best Film) in "Globos de Ouro 2006" in 2007. Played himself in "Janela Indiscreta" in 2010. Played himself in "Mondo Lux - Die Bilderwelten des Werner Schroeter" in 2011. Played Himself (Best Film) in "Globos de Ouro 2010" in 2011. Played himself in "Citizens of Cosmopolis" in 2012.
The cast of Point de fuite - 2009 includes: Anne Caillon as Catherine
The cast of Point de fuite - 2011 includes: Mathieu Busson as Simon
The cast of Point de Fuite - 1991 includes: Pierre Cochelin as Alan morax Jacques Seguin as Professeur
The cast of Fuite - 2011 includes: Maxime Laurin as Pierre-Luc
The cast of La fuite - 1986 includes: Bertand Boucher as Settler Pierre Gobeil
The cast of Caza cherche une fuite - 1914 includes: Lucien Cazalis as Caza
The cast of Point de fuite - 1984 includes: Anne Alvaro Francisco Ariztia Paulo Branco Rafael de Sousa Tony Jessen Ana Marta Rebecca Pauly Vasco Pimentel Joaquim Pinto
The cast of La fuite du jour - 2011 includes: Stanislav Dorochenko as Charles Eve Gollac as Lise
The cast of Max et la fuite de gaz - 1910 includes: Georges Coquet Max Linder as Max Stacia Napierkowska
The cast of Le mort en fuite - 1936 includes: Fernande Albany as Olga Jules Berry as Hector Trignol Gabrielle Fontan as La concierge Marie Glory as Myrra Paul Gury as Ivan Michel Simon as Achille Baluchet
The cast of Une femme en fuite - 1982 includes: Maureen Dor as La petite fille Marie Dubois as Mona Roger Dutoit Colette Emmanuelle Gil Lagay Georges Pirlet Bruno Sermonne as Franz Roger Van Hool as Gi Claire Wauthion as Anne
The cast of Namida o fuite - 2000 includes: Adeyto as Catherine Emi Ikehata Ayumi Ishida as Sakiko Murata Kaori Manabe as Maki Kimura Tortoise Matsumoto as Shintaro Tezuka Kazunari Ninomiya as Kenta Fuchigama Nana Okada as Misako Yudai Tatsumi as Kouta Fuchigama Yuki Uchida as Tamami Saito Aya Ueto as Momo Fuchigami