The cast of Planet Sketch - 2005 includes: Lizzie Stables as Various
The cast of A Rough Sketch of Nepantla - 2011 includes: Susana Peirce as Old Woman
The cast of Planet Ajay - 2009 includes: Ajay Chabra as Ajay Christopher Pizzey as Mr. Killjoy Babita Pohoomull as Preeti
The cast of Planet Soap - 2008 includes: Paul Ackerley as Narrator Susan Lucci as Herself - Guest Jerry Springer as Himself - Guest
The cast of I sandhedens tjeneste - 1987 includes: Christoffer Barnekov as himself
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Sketch Club - 1958 includes: Adrian Hill as himself
The cast of Sketch for Fun - 2008 includes: Ingo Naujoks Mirja Regensburg
The cast of Sketch til Apolloteatret - 1939 includes: Liva Weel as herself
The cast of Johnny Ruins the Sketch - 2014 includes: Stephanie Diane as Steph
The cast of Apple Green Sketch - 2012 includes: Jamie Forrest as Pietro
The cast of Raymond Hitchcock Sketch - 1924 includes: Raymond Hitchcock as himself
The cast of The Sketch That Wrote Itself - 2009 includes: Matt Robison as The Writer
The cast of The Strawberry Sketch - 2012 includes: Kristopher Arnold as Kris Tyler Bergquist as Tyler
The cast of A Rough Sketch of Nepantla - 2011 includes: Susana Peirce as Old Woman
The cast of Gifted Police Sketch Artist - 2011 includes: Mary Sasson as Beth
The cast of Le Sketch Show - 2004 includes: Emmanuel Bilodeau as Various Sylvain Marcel as Various
The cast of Sketch U Later - 2012 includes: Jo Galloway as Various Meren Reddy as Various