The cast of Oscar the Grouch - 2011 includes: William Guirola as Gabriel Gabriel Lujan as Oscar Lupe Lujan as Sylvia Hank Nae as Hank
Oscar the grouch, eyore (Winnie the pooh).....
The cast of Combo Festival - 1958 includes: Pugo Naty Bernardo Robert Campos Oscar Kesse Hector Reyes Chona Sandoval Noel Villaroman
The cast of Sexo impostor - 2005 includes: Nuria Bages Alberto Estrella Vicente Herrera Rosenda Monteros Raquel Morell Oscar Narvaez Martha Navarro
The cast of Oscar Bonavena vs. Joe Frazier - 1966 includes: Johnny Addie as Himself - Ring Announcer Ringo Bonavena as himself Don Dunphy as Himself - Ringside Commentator Yank Durham as Himself - Trainer Joe Frazier as himself Willie Reddish as Himself - Cornerman
The cast of Make Love Not War - Die Liebesgeschichte unserer Zeit - 1968 includes: Renate Heuer as Heidrun Gibson Kemp Oskar Sala as Uncle Oscar
Oscar the Grouch is the character in the trash can. He loves trash and it's his favorite thing.
Oscar the Grouch
Oscar the Grouch
You are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real.
The cast of In the Key of Oscar - 1992 includes: Oscar Peterson
The answer is Green. Actually he was yellow for the first show and orange for almost the first month. My first experience was seeing an orange Oscar the Grouch singing I Love Trash.
He lives in a Trash Can
A store
The cast of Figura - 2011 includes: Oscar Abadiano as Oscar
You would use it to call someone who was a grouch, after Oscar the Grouch, a muppet character who was typically embodied the disposition.
The cast of Oscar Stribolts Julegave - 1912 includes: Oscar Stribolt
The cast of Oscar V - 2012 includes: George Antoni as Oscar v