The cast of O vara foarte instabila - 2013 includes: Kim Bodnia as Alex Diana Cavallioti as Irina Jamie Sives as Daniel Ana Ularu as Maria
The cast of O foarte scurta trilogie despre singuratate - 2006 includes: Anca David Laur Marin
The cast of Iubirea e un lucru foarte mare - 1962 includes: Coca Andronescu Octavian Cotescu
The Romanian equivalent of "You look very pretty" is "Tu eşti foarte drăguţă (or frumoasă, frumuşică, etc.)"; possible also "Tu arăţi foarte bine".
E?ti foarte frumoas? is a Romanian equivalent of 'You're very beautiful'. That's what's said to a 'beautiful' female. To a 'beautiful' or 'handsome' male, the word becomes 'frumos'.
The equivalent of 'Goodbye and have a great day Beautiful' in the Romanian language is La revedere şi îţi doresc o zi foarte bună (or foarte frumoasă).
Diana Cavallioti has: Performed in "Inocenta furata" in 2006. Played Irina Dragan in "Cu un pas inainte" in 2007. Played Elegant Woman in "Restul e tacere" in 2007. Played Crina in "Intalniri incrucisate" in 2008. Played Crina (segment "The Legend of the Air Sellers") in "Amintiri din epoca de aur" in 2009. Played Reporter in "Lost Springs 2" in 2010. Played Irina in "O vara foarte instabila" in 2013.
Mi-au placut Alvin,continua mai departe te rog, sa fie episodul 7 pe Newgrounds si episodul 8 foarte foarte curand.
You are much admired it's translated in romanian like: "Esti foarte admirat"
A possible translation may be pari foarte înfierbîntată.
The equivalent of hair line in the Romanian language is linie foarte subţire or linie reticulară (as a technical term).
Am incercat de multe ori sa castig un pirate sword la sky high dar de fiecare data primesc lucruri banale..:((((.Imi doresc foarte mult un non-member sword iar daca as avea as i foarte fericit;)
Stiu foarte putina romana is a Romanian equivalent of 'I know very little Romanian'.