The cast of Nickel City Smiler - 2010 includes: Smiler Greely as himself Moe Joe as himself Donna Pepero as herself
The cast of Charley Smiler Is Robbed - 1911 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Charlie Smiler at the Picnic - 1912 includes: Fred Evans as Charlie Smiler
The cast of Charley Smiler Is Robbed - 1911 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of Charley Smiler Catches a Tartar - 1912 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of Charley Smiler Is Stage Struck - 1911 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of Charley Smiler Competes in a Cycle Race - 1911 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of Charley Smiler Takes Brain Food - 1911 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of Charley Smiler Joins the Boy Scouts - 1911 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of Charley Smiler Takes Up Ju-Jitsu - 1911 includes: Fred Evans as Charley Smiler
The cast of If You Just Smile - 2010 includes: Gento Aronte as Smiler
The cast of The Nickel Snatcher - 1920 includes: Hank Mann
The cast of Drop the Nickel - 2010 includes: John Einarson as himself
The cast of Songs from the Nickel - 2010 includes: Christina Branson as herself