Andrea Aguirre has: Performed in "Dos pistoleros violentos" in 1985. Performed in "Funerales del terror" in 1990. Performed in "Los aboneros del amor" in 1990. Performed in "Dos gallos alborotados" in 1991. Performed in "Mofles y Canek en mascara vs. cabellera" in 1992. Performed in "Mafia mexicana" in 1992. Performed in "Bulldog" in 1993. Played Tamara in "Bosque de muerte" in 1993. Performed in "Que me siga la tambora" in 1993. Played Susan Riggs in "Tragedia en Waco, Texas" in 1993. Performed in "Nachas vemos vecinas no sabemos" in 1993. Played Amiga 3 in "Los temerarios" in 1993. Performed in "La cantina" in 1994. Performed in "Dos hermanos buena onda" in 1994. Played Isabel in "El camotero del barrio" in 1995. Performed in "Pistoleros anonimos" in 1995. Played Emma in "Reportero de modelos" in 1995. Performed in "Los teporochos" in 1995. Performed in "Bufalo" in 1996. Played Abril Mares in "La escolta muerte en primavera" in 1997. Played Lolita in "El caporal" in 1997. Performed in "La banda del TransAm rojo" in 1999. Played Sagrario in "Semilla de odio" in 2000. Performed in "Contrabando en los huevos" in 2000. Performed in "El rey de la Goma" in 2002. Performed in "Duelo de pistoleros" in 2002. Performed in "Hierro al rojo vivo" in 2002. Performed in "Los muertos que nos dieron la vida" in 2003. Performed in "Secuestro crimen y castigo" in 2003. Played Andy in "El primer bazukazo" in 2012.
The cast of La noche de los Troyanos - 2003 includes: Fidel Abrego as El tinto Jorge Almada as Angel Armando Araiza as Hector Fernando Carbonel as El enano Fernando Casasola as Armando Alexa Castillo as Elena Alan Ciangherotti as Alejandro Luis Gatica as El malo Emilio Ramon Vidal Jorge Reynoso as El trueno
The cast of Las nachas - 1991 includes: Rosario Escobar Rebeca Silva
The word nachas means 'blissfulness'.
quiero tus nachas.
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Andrea Aguirre has: Performed in "Dos pistoleros violentos" in 1985. Performed in "Funerales del terror" in 1990. Performed in "Los aboneros del amor" in 1990. Performed in "Dos gallos alborotados" in 1991. Performed in "Mofles y Canek en mascara vs. cabellera" in 1992. Performed in "Mafia mexicana" in 1992. Performed in "Bulldog" in 1993. Played Tamara in "Bosque de muerte" in 1993. Performed in "Que me siga la tambora" in 1993. Played Susan Riggs in "Tragedia en Waco, Texas" in 1993. Performed in "Nachas vemos vecinas no sabemos" in 1993. Played Amiga 3 in "Los temerarios" in 1993. Performed in "La cantina" in 1994. Performed in "Dos hermanos buena onda" in 1994. Played Isabel in "El camotero del barrio" in 1995. Performed in "Pistoleros anonimos" in 1995. Played Emma in "Reportero de modelos" in 1995. Performed in "Los teporochos" in 1995. Performed in "Bufalo" in 1996. Played Abril Mares in "La escolta muerte en primavera" in 1997. Played Lolita in "El caporal" in 1997. Performed in "La banda del TransAm rojo" in 1999. Played Sagrario in "Semilla de odio" in 2000. Performed in "Contrabando en los huevos" in 2000. Performed in "El rey de la Goma" in 2002. Performed in "Duelo de pistoleros" in 2002. Performed in "Hierro al rojo vivo" in 2002. Performed in "Los muertos que nos dieron la vida" in 2003. Performed in "Secuestro crimen y castigo" in 2003. Played Andy in "El primer bazukazo" in 2012.
a huge animal que le gusta oler la cola....cochina....eres una puerka....q se parece mis pika la naris y se los hablen con este animal por que muerde...y tiene rabies....y muchas diseases
The cast of La noche de los Troyanos - 2003 includes: Fidel Abrego as El tinto Jorge Almada as Angel Armando Araiza as Hector Fernando Carbonel as El enano Fernando Casasola as Armando Alexa Castillo as Elena Alan Ciangherotti as Alejandro Luis Gatica as El malo Emilio Ramon Vidal Jorge Reynoso as El trueno
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern --CHAS. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter C and 4th letter H and 5th letter A and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: bachas dachas mochas nachas pachas
Rosita Bouchot has: Performed in "El milagro de vivir" in 1975. Played Chencha in "La presidenta municipal" in 1975. Performed in "El alegre divorciado" in 1976. Performed in "El show de Enrique el Polivoz" in 1976. Performed in "Cascabel" in 1977. Played Singer - vedette in "Variedades de media noche" in 1977. Performed in "En esta primavera" in 1979. Performed in "Juventud sin freno" in 1979. Played Olga, secretaria in "En la trampa" in 1979. Performed in "La ofrenda" in 1980. Performed in "El color de nuestra piel" in 1981. Performed in "Semana santa en Acapulco" in 1981. Performed in "Burdel" in 1982. Played Esposa de Lupe in "Acorralado" in 1984. Performed in "Entre hierba, polvo y plomo" in 1984. Performed in "Los mecanicos ardientes" in 1985. Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Performed in "La celda del alacran" in 1986. Performed in "Testigo de un crimen" in 1987. Performed in "Herencia de sangre" in 1987. Performed in "Juventud rebelde" in 1987. Performed in "Las zorras" in 1987. Played La Tigresa in "Rosa salvaje" in 1987. Performed in "El zapatero bailarin" in 1987. Performed in "El cabaretero y sus golfas" in 1988. Performed in "Los Psiquiatras Ardientes" in 1988. Performed in "El semental de Palo Alto" in 1988. Performed in "Pasaporte a la muerte" in 1988. Performed in "Vuelven los mecanicos ardientes" in 1988. Performed in "Con el odio en la piel" in 1988. Performed in "El pozo del diablo" in 1990. Performed in "El semental" in 1990. Performed in "Noche de recamareras" in 1990. Performed in "Oficio: Golfa" in 1990. Played Marta Gonzalez in "Compadres a la Mexicana" in 1990. Performed in "Un asesino anda suelto" in 1991. Performed in "Chantaje al desnudo" in 1992. Performed in "Mofles y Canek en mascara vs. cabellera" in 1992. Performed in "Las dos caras del diablo" in 1992. Performed in "Nachas vemos vecinas no sabemos" in 1993. Performed in "El superman... Dilon" in 1993. Performed in "El superman... Dilon dos" in 1995. Played Dora (1995) in "Acapulco, cuerpo y alma" in 1995. Performed in "Bonita" in 1996. Performed in "Tres huasnacos" in 1997. Played Irene in "Sin ti" in 1997. Played Leoncia in "Gotita de amor" in 1998. Played Canalla in "Camila" in 1998. Performed in "Tres mujeres" in 1999. Played Various characters in "La intrusa" in 2001. Played Leticia in "Barrera de amor" in 2005. Played Mesera in "Bienvenido paisano" in 2006. Played Flavia in "Destilando amor" in 2007. Played Soledad in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Performed in "Amores verdaderos" in 2012. Performed in "La tempestad" in 2013. Played Perla in "Mentir para vivir" in 2013. Played Lucrecia in "La tempestad" in 2013.
Quotation marks are pairs of inverted commas placed before and after a quote or section of spoken text, to indicate that property of that section. They appear as " (single pair) or "hello" (pair of pairs). Quotation marks are used to indicate either a quotation of someone or the title of a smaller work. A quotation mark looks like this " and is used to indicate either a quotation of someone or the title of a smaller work. 6. Quote Marks Quotation marks are used to quote another person's words exactly, whether they be spoken, or written. For example: John said, "We are going shopping." - note the capitalization of "We". You should do this unless you are quoting in a run-on sentence: John said "we are going shopping" because they had no milk. Note the omission of the comma in this case also. If you are quoting a person who is quoting another person, use a single quotation mark like this: John said, "My neighbor yelled at me today! He said 'get off my lawn!'" When introducing a quotation after an independent clause, use a colon and not a comma to begin: As D. H. Nachas explains, "The gestures used for greeting others differ greatly from one culture to another." (not an independent clause) D. H. Nachas explains cultural differences in greeting customs: "Touching is not a universal sign of greeting. (this is an independent clause) Quotation marks can also be used to denote irony or sarcasm, or to note something unusual about it: The great march of "progress" has left millions impoverished and hungry. Punctuation with quotations Punctuation that belongs to the original quote should be inside the quote marks. Punctuation relating to the entire sentence should be outside. Philip asked, "Do you need this book?" Does Dr. Lim always say to her students, "You must work harder"? Always put colons and semicolons outside quotes. Put commas and periods inside quotations unless followed by parenthesis: He said, "I may forget your name, but I never remember a face." Mullen, criticizing the apparent inaction, writes, "Donahue's policy was to do nothing" (27).Quotation marks are symbols used to show dialogue in a story. Here's an example: "John and Mary walked down the street." the two lines at the beginning and end are quotation marks
Milagros Rueda has: Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Played Edecan in "La locura mexicana" in 1993. Performed in "El charro chano" in 1994. Played Marcela in "El amarrador 3" in 1995. Performed in "Bufalo" in 1996. Played Mimi in "Modelos a la francesa" in 1996. Played Darma in "Danik, el viajero del tiempo" in 1996. Played Desire in "Viajero" in 1996. Performed in "Mi querida Isabel" in 1997. Performed in "Por tu culpa" in 1998. Played Celina Barriga in "Rosalinda" in 1999. Performed in "Por tu amor" in 1999. Performed in "Por un beso" in 2000. Performed in "Furia Texana" in 2001. Played Diosa in "La intrusa" in 2001. Performed in "Dos yeguas salvajes" in 2002. Performed in "Verano sangriento" in 2002. Performed in "La baraja del diablo" in 2002. Performed in "Las nachas de Maclovio" in 2003. Performed in "El Testimonio De Un Fracasado" in 2007. Played Laura in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Played Gladis in "Mujeres asesinas" in 2008. Performed in "Desenmascarando al diputado" in 2009. Played Madre de Gabriela in "" in 2009.