The cast of Mi adorable esclava - 1962 includes: Barta Barri Francisco Bernal Antonio Casal as Leopoldo Juan Cazalilla Belinda Corel Margot Cottens Irene Daina Beni Deus Antonio Riquelme Ethel Rojo as Leila Rosario Royo Pastor Serrador Charito Trallero
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Adorable Girls No. 1 - 2005 includes: Sophie Paris
The cast of Adorable juventud - 1963 includes: Atilio Marinelli Beatriz Taibo
The cast of Adorable Girls No. 6 - 2006 includes: Veronika Hanakova Adeline Lange
The cast of Una adorable familia - 1987 includes: Jacqueline Andere Mercedes Pascual
The cast of El Adorable Inquilino - 2013 includes: Montse Delgado as Ex-girlfriend
The cast of Vigilancia - 2009 includes: Maria Gomez De Castro as Esclava Aitor Lizarribar as Esclavo-cerrojo 1
The cast of Fringe - 2010 includes: Nancy Amelia Bell as Adorable Old Woman Sam Frenchum Nick Shirm
The cast of Fantar the Fantastic - 2013 includes: Sofia Mali as Adorable Little Girl Todd Veneman as Todd
The cast of The Rejection - 2011 includes: Eileen Cronin as Elizabeth William Dalphin as An Adorable Little Bunch of Guys Travis Delano as An Adorable Little Bunch of Guys Duncan Hanrahan as An Adorable Little Bunch of Guys Chuck Muldoon as Joe Carroll
The cast of Adorable menteuse - 1962 includes: Ginette Letondal as Jacky Michael Lonsdale as Albert Claude Nicot as Sebastien Jacques Porteret Michel Vitold as Antoine Marina Vlady as Juliette
The cast of Su adorable majadero - 1939 includes: Carmen Conde as Carmen Alma Lorena as Margarita Salvador Lozano as Manuel Jorge Mairoz Carlos Riquelme as Carlos Medina
The cast of El adorable profesor Aldao - 1971 includes: Esmeralda Checa Irene de Zela Yolanda Polastri Garibaldi Francisco Solari Liz Ureta Lola Vilar