The cast of Pere - 2000 includes: Omer Barnea as Pere (Wild) Debbi Besserglick Natan Cogan Efrat Cohen Adi Ezroni as Renanit Yoram Gal Lior Gilboa Gila Goldstein Erez Gottlieb Rinan Haim Bahat Kalachi Erica Knoler Nir Manki Lanny Shahaf Gabi Shoshan Shimon Siani
The cast of Pobre diabla - 2000 includes: Silvana Arias as Carmen William Bell Taylor Gianfranco Brero as Dr. Octavio Tapia Elvira De La Puente as Elvira Moncayo Javier Delgiudice Tatiana Espinoza as Ernestina Carlos Gassols as Doctor Miguel Medina as Malandro Natalia Montoya as Rosa Camucha Negrete as Chabuca Flores de Morelli Bruno Odar as Mario Paredes Cecilia Rechkemmer as Silvana Vanessa Saba as Rebeca Montenegro Kareen Spano Gilberto Torres as Chaveta Erika Villalobos as Karina Linares
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Maldito - 2014 includes: Alex Sander Silva
The cast of El maldito - 1996 includes: Maribel Palmer
The cast of Maldito Gergelim - 2012 includes: Sergio Santilli as Santiago
The cast of Maldito Perro - 2012 includes: Alex Arango as Alex
The cast of Maldito conejo - 2004 includes: Lola Casamayor Paula Hoogenboom
The cast of Amor Maldito - 1997 includes: Nuno Cabral Alda Pires
The cast of Por tu maldito dinero - 1998 includes: Mario Almada
The cast of El paso maldito - 1949 includes: Chela Bon Raul Gardy
The cast of Maldito Amorcito - 2010 includes: Fatma Benyoub as Femme Fatale Sergi Bittan as Dead Man
The cast of Maldito lunes - 2013 includes: Raquel Arcos as Olga Mauricio Bautista as Acosta Katherine Montes as Gladys
The cast of Testigos de un tiempo maldito - 2012 includes: Coral Cano as herself
The cast of Chilango guango - 2001 includes: Karla Acosta as Tamalera Marisol Barradas as Emeretiana Brenda De Perez as Lavacoches Gabriela del Valle as Lulu Victor Moreli as Merolico Mariano Zayas as Luis