The cast of Vivid - 1999 includes: Ilene Kristen as Susan Stephen Shellen as Cole Purvis Kari Wuhrer as Billie Reynolds
The cast of Fire and Steel - 1989 includes: James Norris as Lieutenant Brown
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Kristen Bording - 1958 includes: Kristen Bording as himself Johannes Jacobsen as Interviewer
The cast of Fangs - 2014 includes: Kristen DeLuca
The cast of When It Rains - 2008 includes: Kristen Farnsworth
The cast of A Meeting - 2014 includes: Kristen Freeman as Kelly
The cast of Aljuriya - 2004 includes: Kristen Schurr as herself
The cast of Free Me - 2010 includes: Michelle Grantz as Kristen
The cast of Pinheads - 2004 includes: Charlene Ibrahim as Kristen
The cast of Barry - 2009 includes: Kristen Wiig as Rachel
The cast of The Many Faces of Kristen Stewart - 2013 includes: Nick Luciano as Announcer Danielle Taddei as Kristen Stewart
The cast of Can - 2005 includes: Mark Dennebaum as Sweetie Kristen Willerton as Babe
The cast of Kristen Stewart TMZ Cheating Parody - 2012 includes: Emily Wassler as Rebecca
The cast of Abbey Is Silly - 2010 includes: Kristen Schaal as Abbey