The cast of Lyubov na ostrove smerti - 1991 includes: Boris Galkin Oksana Kaliberda Vladimir Mashkov Vladimir Niskov Natalya Petrova Anatoli Rodionov Svetlana Tormakhova
The cast of Moi drug knopik kotoryi znaet vsjo - 1973 includes: Konstantin Lenevsky Avgustin Milovanov Irina Narbekova Lyubov Rumyantseva Dima Solodukho as Vanya Knopikov Boris Vladomirsky Mikhail Yezepov
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Lyubov i svoboda - 1972 includes: Mikhail Nozhkin as Krzhizhanivsky
The cast of Lyubov pod maskoy - 1915 includes: Olga Baclanova
The cast of Pozdnyaya lyubov - 2010 includes: Natalya Arinbasarova Nurzhuman Ikhtymbaev Bulat Kalymbetov
The cast of Lyubov bez Strakhovki - 2011 includes: Nikolay Bendera Larisa Luzhina
The cast of Dvoe na ostrove slyoz - 1987 includes: Richard Bortkevich Sergey Koltakov Mikhail Neganov Svetlana Ryabova Svetlana Smirnova Mikhail Zhigalov
The cast of Golova Klassika - 2005 includes: Lyubov Germanova Mariya Kuznetsova Yuliya Novikova Lyubov Omelchenko
The cast of Rypkina Lyubov - 1993 includes: Oleg Abramov Sergey Dorogov Kostya Kuras Oksana Shevchenko
The cast of Lyubov prihodit ne odna - 2011 includes: Natalia Antonova Igor Vernik
The cast of Pari na lyubov - 2008 includes: Yaroslav Boyko Andrei Egorov Kakhi Kavsadze Lyubov Rudenko Yuliya Takshina Irina Volodina
The cast of Dalshe lyubov - 2010 includes: Dmitriy Miller as Yuri Lyubov Tolkalina as Elza Yuriy Tsurilo as Viktor Irina Znamenshchikova as Tetka s rynka
The cast of Byla lyubov - 2010 includes: Andrey Finyagin Darya Rumyantseva Anastasiya Savosina Gleb Serdyukov Polina Uvarova
The cast of Lyubov - Smertelnaya igra - 1991 includes: Yekaterina Belikova as Episode Irina Gubanova Yelena Karadzhova Lembit Ulfsak