The cast of Lost in the Barrens - 1990 includes: Evan Adams as Awasis Ken Babb as Conductor Adam Beach as Hunting Party Member Louie Camerone as Hunting Party Member Victor Cowie as Headmaster Paul Grau as Gibson Marianne Jones as Lenore Jeff Madden as Indian Agent Harry Nelken as McGruber Bart the Bear as The Bear
The cast of Hotell - 1990 includes: Gerhard Helskog as Debattleder
The cast of Outer Bounds - 1990 includes: Corey Burton as Narrator
The cast of Handmaidens and Battleaxes - 1990 includes: Andrea Aloise Shirley Sheppard
The cast of Kizhakku Vasal - 1990 includes: Revathy Khushboo Vijayakumar Karthik Janagaraj
The cast of I simaia sto gamo - 1990 includes: Miranda Terzopoulou as Narrator
The cast of Dawor - 1990 includes: Kiranmala
The cast of Muqaddama - 1990 includes: Madhavi
The cast of Chakravarthi - 1990 includes: Balkrishna
The cast of To Be - 1990 includes: Howard Ryshpan as Scientist
The cast of Attilokasundari - 1990 includes: Sridevi
Lost in the Barrens - 1990 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:L
The cast of Untamed - 1990 includes: Jeff Griggs
The cast of Valsaki - 1990 includes: Georgia Kornelatou
The cast of Coconuts - 1990 includes: Richard Briers
The cast of Kalikantzaros - 1990 includes: Makis Nakos
The cast of Cambriole - 1990 includes: Dirk Lavryssen
The cast of DuckTales - 1990 includes: J Bizel