The cast of La pacifista - Smetti di piovere - 1970 includes: Francesco Carnelutti Riccardo De Stefanis Piero Faggioni as Piero Ottavio Fanfani Mario La Neve Gino Lavagetto as Carlo Cristiano Minellono Daniel Olbrychski as Sergey Abramov Peter Pasetti as Commissario Luigi Pignatelli Daniel Pommereulle Syra Rocchi as Girl Baby Sun Yvon Taylor Mario Tellini Sergio Tramonti Monica Vitti as Barbara
La pacifista - Smetti di piovere - 1970 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:16 Italy:T
Daniel Pommereulle has: Played Daniel in "La collectionneuse" in 1967. Played Joseph Balsamo in "Week End" in 1967. Performed in "Les idoles" in 1968. Performed in "Vite" in 1969. Performed in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Performed in "Jupiter" in 1971. Played Jean le sculpteur in "Le vent de la nuit" in 1999.
Piero Faggioni has: Played Mecenate in "Antonio e Cleopatra" in 1965. Played Faggioni in "Lettera aperta a un giornale della sera" in 1970. Played Piero in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Played Centurion in "La tecnica e il rito" in 1972. Played Lucio Garbi in "La orca" in 1976. Played Lucio Garbi in "Oedipus orca" in 1977.
Sergio Tramonti has: Played Antonio Pace in "Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto" in 1970. Played Bernard Lucas in "Il dio serpente" in 1970. Performed in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Performed in "Dipingi di giallo il tuo poliziotto" in 1970. Played Carmelo in "I familiari delle vittime non saranno avvertiti" in 1972. Played Tailor from Padua in "Fiorina la vacca" in 1972. Performed in "Obbligo di giocare - Zugzwang" in 1989. Performed in "Corsa di primavera" in 1989. Played Riccardo Donati in "Teatro di guerra" in 1998.
Ottavio Fanfani has: Played Isp. Julien in "Svegliati e uccidi" in 1966. Played Fra Valerius in "La freccia nera" in 1968. Performed in "Processi a porte aperte" in 1968. Performed in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Played Ferretti - hospital director in "Anna, quel particolare piacere" in 1973. Played Medico legale in "E.S.P." in 1973. Played Avv. Samperi in "Milano rovente" in 1973. Played Shopkeeper in "Revolver" in 1973. Played De Sousa in "Accadde a Lisbona" in 1974. Performed in "Il consigliere imperiale" in 1974. Played Il vescovo di Lucca in "Marco Visconti" in 1975. Performed in "Manon Lescaut" in 1976. Played Il padrone di casa in "Camilla" in 1976. Played Marchese Di Negro in "Paganini" in 1976. Played Vecchio servo in "Re Lear" in 1979. Performed in "Semmelweis" in 1980.
Riccardo De Stefanis has: Performed in "La morte risale a ieri sera" in 1970. Performed in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Played Uomo al bar in "Bianco, rosso e..." in 1972. Performed in "Milano rovente" in 1973. Played Poliziotto in "Mark il poliziotto" in 1975.
Gino Lavagetto has: Performed in "Giuseppe Verdi" in 1963. Played Tony Vielo in "Ritorna il tenente Sheridan" in 1963. Played Zingaro in "I terribili 7" in 1963. Played Jean Lussac in "Le inchieste del commissario Maigret" in 1964. Played Amico di Crosby in "Le inchieste del commissario Maigret" in 1964. Played Abner Ferguson in "Sheridan: Squadra omicidi" in 1967. Played Antenore Cervi in "I sette fratelli Cervi" in 1968. Played Priest in "Una ragazza piuttosto complicata" in 1969. Played Dr. Cremona in "Il prof. Dott. Guido Tersilli, primario della clinica Villa Celeste convenzionata con le mutue" in 1969. Performed in "Wanted Sabata" in 1970. Played Albert Hart in "Un amore oggi" in 1970. Played Carlo in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Performed in "Giallo di sera" in 1971. Performed in "La stirpe di Caino" in 1971. Played Ferguson in "Arriva Durango, paga o muori" in 1971. Played Leonello Astolfi in "Qui squadra mobile" in 1973. Performed in "Un attimo, meno ancora" in 1973. Played Republican Philosopher in "Roma rivuole Cesare" in 1974. Played Bertacchini in "Ligabue" in 1977. Performed in "Armaguedon" in 1977. Played Tornabuoni in "Castigo" in 1977. Played Orsini in "Sam et Sally" in 1978. Played Colonnello Burke in "Il signore di Ballantrae" in 1979. Played Sandro Cantoni in "Quaderno proibito" in 1980. Performed in "Pronto emergenza" in 1980. Performed in "Aeroporto internazionale" in 1985. Performed in "Una casa sotto il cielo" in 1993. Performed in "Incantesimo 3" in 2000. Played Amedeo Cordari in "Don Matteo" in 2000. Played Avvocato Bruno Gentili in "Incantesimo 4" in 2001.
Francesco Carnelutti has: Played Cantastorie in "La monaca di Monza" in 1969. Performed in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Performed in "Dedicato a un medico" in 1974. Played Nino in "Irene, Irene" in 1975. Performed in "Una spia del regime" in 1976. Performed in "Maestro di violino" in 1976. Performed in "Per questa notte" in 1977. Performed in "Una devastante voglia di vincere" in 1977. Played Agostino in "Goodbye e amen" in 1978. Played Fulgenzio in "Il balordo" in 1978. Played Dottor Lauker in "La promessa" in 1979. Performed in "Stark System" in 1980. Played Italian Anarchist in "O Megalexandros" in 1980. Played Italian Reporter in "Priest of Love" in 1981. Performed in "Patto con la morte" in 1982. Performed in "Il quartetto Basileus" in 1983. Played Avram Rabinowitz in "The Winds of War" in 1983. Played Cameriere Segreto in "The Scarlet and the Black" in 1983. Performed in "Sonntag" in 1985. Played The Forester in "The Assisi Underground" in 1985. Played Secretary of the PCI in "Il caso Moro" in 1986. Played Pastarri in "The Belly of an Architect" in 1987. Played Lazzaro from Pavia in "A Season of Giants" in 1991. Played Vigiu in "Ma non per sempre" in 1991. Played Voice in "Lungo il fiume" in 1992. Played Egyptian Priest in "Abraham" in 1993. Played Juan in "Venti dal Sud" in 1993. Played Il ciclista in "Carillon" in 1993. Performed in "Ultimo confine" in 1994. Played Hotrep in "Slave of Dreams" in 1995. Performed in "Favola contaminata" in 1995. Performed in "A ridosso dei ruderi, i Trionfi" in 1997. Played Giovanni in "Mare largo" in 1998. Played Judge Meli in "Excellent Cadavers" in 1999. Performed in "Don Matteo" in 2000. Played Del Gatto in "Lupo mannaro" in 2000. Played Dominic in "The Order" in 2003. Played Nicola Catania in "Il papa buono" in 2003. Performed in "Amore senza filtro" in 2005. Played Don Gino in "Fratelli" in 2006. Played Regista in "Sfiorarsi" in 2006. Played Prefect in "The Da Vinci Code" in 2006. Played Doctor in "Silk" in 2007. Played Dottore in "Il nascondiglio" in 2007. Played Astolfi in "Imago mortis" in 2009. Played Angelo in "Spring" in 2014.
Stai zitto! in the masculine and Stai zitta! in the feminine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Be quiet!"Specifically, the verb stai means "(informal singular you) be/remain/stay." The masculine adjective zitto and the feminine zitta mean "quiet." The pronunciation is "steye" TSEET-toh" in the masculine and "steye TSEET-tah" in the feminine.*The sound is similar to that in the English pronoun "I."
Monica Vitti has: Played herself in "Reflets de Cannes" in 1952. Performed in "Adriana Lecouvreur" in 1955. Performed in "Questi ragazzi" in 1956. Played Luisa Panetti in "Una pelliccia di visone" in 1957. Played Cristiana Andermatt in "Mont-Oriol" in 1958. Played Ofelia Granelli in "Le dritte" in 1958. Played Dorimene in "Il borghese gentiluomo" in 1959. Played herself in "Gente che va, gente che viene" in 1960. Played Valentina Gherardini in "La notte" in 1961. Performed in "Le notti bianche" in 1962. Played Giuliana in "Il deserto rosso" in 1964. Played Dolores in "Il disco volante" in 1964. Played Giovanna (segment "Minestra, La") in "Le bambole" in 1965. Played Modesty Blaise in "Modesty Blaise" in 1966. Played herself in "Michelangelo Antonioni storia di un autore" in 1966. Played Sabina (segment "Fata Sabina") in "Le fate" in 1966. Played Giuliana in "Ti ho sposato per allegria" in 1967. Played Raffaella Macchiavelli in "Amore mio aiutami" in 1969. Played Adelaide in "Dramma della gelosia (tutti i particolari in cronaca)" in 1970. Played Barbara in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Played herself in "V.I.P.-Schaukel" in 1971. Played Giorgia in "Gli ordini sono ordini" in 1972. Played Teresa in "Teresa la ladra" in 1973. Played Floria Tosca in "La Tosca" in 1973. Played Dea Dani in "Polvere di stelle" in 1973. Played herself in "Les rendez-vous du dimanche" in 1974. Played Tina Candela in "A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere" in 1975. Played herself in "Arena" in 1975. Performed in "La goduria" in 1976. Played Anna Lisa Bianchi in "Amori miei" in 1978. Played Valentina Contarini (segment "Un incontro molto ravvicinato") in "Per vivere meglio, divertitevi con noi" in 1978. Played Maria Barone in "An Almost Perfect Affair" in 1979. Played The Queen in "Il mistero di Oberwald" in 1980. Played Lucia in "Il tango della gelosia" in 1981. Played Livia Bonetti in "Io so che tu sai che io so" in 1982. Played Laura in "Flirt" in 1983. Played Claudia in "Ritorno a Lisca Bianca" in 1983. Played herself in "Europa, Europa" in 1987. Performed in "Scandalo segreto" in 1990. Played Various in "Quelli che... il calcio" in 1993. Performed in "Bellissime" in 2004. Played herself in "Lelio Luttazzi - Il giovanotto matto" in 2008. Played Claudia in "Spisok korabley" in 2008. Played herself in "Hollywood sul Tevere" in 2009. Played herself in "1960" in 2010. Played herself in "Dai nostri inviati: La Rai racconta la Mostra del Cinema 1954-1967" in 2010. Played herself in "Dai nostri inviati: La Rai racconta la Mostra del Cinema 1968-1979" in 2011. Played herself in "Dai nostri inviati: La Rai racconta la Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1980-1989" in 2013.
Peter Pasetti has: Played Pg. Pasetti in "Venus vor Gericht" in 1941. Played Minister in "Der Herr vom andern Stern" in 1948. Played Per in "Die kupferne Hochzeit" in 1948. Played Michael Dieffenbach in "Du bist nicht allein" in 1949. Played Hans Wiegler in "0 Uhr 15, Zimmer 9" in 1950. Played Valenta in "Sensation in San Remo" in 1951. Played Kurt Hellwig in "Heimweh nach dir" in 1952. Played Coramello in "Eine Nacht in Venedig" in 1953. Played Lt. Col. Dacano in "Jonny rettet Nebrador" in 1953. Performed in "Geh mach dein Fensterl auf" in 1953. Played Juan in "Clivia" in 1954. Played Johann Orth in "Der rote Prinz" in 1954. Played Dr. Peter Waldenegg in "Dein Mund verspricht mir Liebe" in 1954. Played Oberleutnant von Flitsch, Flieger in "Der Frontgockel" in 1955. Played Advokat Derville in "Oberst Chabert" in 1956. Played Othello in "Othello" in 1958. Played Herakles in "Die Alkestiade" in 1958. Played Lawrence Hudson in "Es ist soweit" in 1960. Played Richard in "Unerwartet verschied..." in 1961. Played Sir Robert Morton in "Der Fall Winslow" in 1961. Played Eberhard Wendhausen in "Das Kriminalmuseum" in 1963. Played Antonius in "Antonius und Cleopatra" in 1963. Played Graf in "Die Probe oder Die bestrafte Liebe" in 1963. Played Lewis Paulton in "Die volle Wahrheit" in 1963. Played Werner Vilessen in "Das Kriminalmuseum" in 1963. Played Maurice Messer in "Der Hexer" in 1963. Performed in "Die Zeit der Schuldlosen" in 1964. Played Michael Dennis in "Der letzte Raum" in 1966. Played Baron de Reinach in "Der Panamaskandal" in 1967. Played Marquis von Arcis in "Die Marquise von Arcis" in 1967. Played Oberst Stjerbinsky in "Jacobowsky und der Oberst" in 1967. Played Der Kardinal in "Ein Schweigen vom Himmel" in 1968. Played Thoas in "Iphigenie auf Tauris" in 1968. Played Schmetz in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Johannes Martin Kroll in "Der Kommissar" in 1969. Played Dr. Gerhard Reger in "Der Kommissar" in 1969. Played Paul Berwald in "Palace-Hotel" in 1969. Played himself in "ZDF Werkstatt" in 1970. Performed in "Scher Dich zum Teufel, mein Engel" in 1970. Played Journalist in "Besuch gegen zehn" in 1970. Played Commissario in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Played Marquis in "Die Marquise von B." in 1970. Played General Tom Powers in "Besuch auf einem kleinen Planeten" in 1971. Played Dr. Heidt in "Bedenkzeit" in 1971. Played Santarin in "Und Jimmy ging zum Regenbogen" in 1971. Played Anthony Baxter in "Alexander Zwo" in 1972. Played Ehemann von Sandra in "Motiv Liebe" in 1972. Played Victor Cadwell in "Geliebtes Scheusal" in 1972. Played Anthony Baxter in "Peters Bastelstunde" in 1973. Played Jean in "Das letzte Testament" in 1974. Played Herr Serball in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Kurt Masinger in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Baron Olivier in "Der kleine Doktor" in 1974. Played Georg Korin in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Carlo Larossa in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Oswald Paddenberg in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Baumeister Halvard Solness in "Baumeister Solness" in 1976. Played Gaspardi in "Das chinesische Wunder" in 1977. Played Max Amelung in "Der Alte" in 1977. Played Arne von Lengsfeld in "Der Alte" in 1977. Played Dr. Margolis in "Der Alte" in 1977. Played Serge Duval in "Der Alte" in 1977. Performed in "Weekend" in 1980. Played Graf Seckendorf in "Der Thronfolger" in 1980. Played Robert Lenz - Episode 3 in "Liebe bleibt nicht ohne Schmerzen" in 1980. Performed in "Krimistunde" in 1982. Played Haydn in "Mozart" in 1982. Played Professor Jarvis in "Krimistunde" in 1982. Played Schoenborn in "Die Barrikade" in 1982. Performed in "Zwei Tote im Sender und Don Carlos im Pogl" in 1982. Played Episode 1 in "Freundschaften" in 1984. Played Ludwig Linke in "Die Schwarzwaldklinik" in 1985. Played Peter Paulsen in "Abschiedsvorstellung" in 1986. Played Siggi Ronca in "Smaragd" in 1987. Played Conte Resta von Blankenburg in "Facciaffittasi" in 1987. Played Heilpraktiker in "Der Knick - Die Geschichte einer Wunderheilung" in 1988.
Daniel Olbrychski has: Played Koral in "Ranny w lesie" in 1964. Played Rafal Olbromski in "Popioly" in 1965. Played Olewicz in "Potem nastapi cisza" in 1966. Played Andrzej in "Malzenstwo z rozsadku" in 1967. Played Tolek Szczepaniak in "Bokser" in 1967. Played Marek Arens in "Jowita" in 1967. Played Student in "Zaliczenie" in 1968. Played Charles XII in "Hrabina Cosel" in 1968. Played Daniel in "Wszystko na sprzedaz" in 1969. Played Por. Henryk Dabrowski in "Osvobozhdenie" in 1969. Played Sculptor in "Polowanie na muchy" in 1969. Performed in "Skok" in 1969. Played Azja Tuhaj-Bejowicz in "Pan Wolodyjowski" in 1969. Performed in "Przygody Pana Michala" in 1969. Played himself in "Struktura krysztalu" in 1969. Played himself in "Na planie" in 1969. Played Tadeusz in "Krajobraz po bitwie" in 1970. Played Boleslaw in "Brzezina" in 1970. Played Wit in "Zycie rodzinne" in 1970. Played Sergey Abramov in "La pacifista - Smetti di piovere" in 1970. Played Heinrich in "Osvobozhdenie: Napravleniye glavnogo udara" in 1971. Played Bridegroom in "Wesele" in 1973. Played Andrzej Kmicic in "Potop" in 1974. Played Claudius in "Roma rivuole Cesare" in 1974. Played Karol Borowiecki in "Ziemia obiecana" in 1975. Played Walenty in "Faust" in 1976. Played Stanislaw Przybyszewski in "Dagny" in 1977. Played Zygmunt in "Kung-fu" in 1979. Played Wiktor Ruben in "Panny z Wilka" in 1979. Played Jan Bronski in "Die Blechtrommel" in 1979. Played Priest Paczkowski in "Wizja lokalna 1901" in 1980. Played Herophant in "Rycerz" in 1980. Played himself in "Dom" in 1980. Played Stanislaw Wyspianski in "Z biegiem lat, z biegiem dni..." in 1980. Performed in "Terrarium" in 1981. Played Captain in "From a Far Country" in 1981. Played Davorin in "Pad Italije" in 1981. Played Karl Kremer in "Les uns et les autres" in 1981. Played Karl in "Les uns et les autres" in 1981. Played Saint-Genis in "La truite" in 1982. Performed in "Zaustavite svet, hocu da sidjem" in 1982. Performed in "Roza" in 1982. Played Wiktorczyk in "Eine Liebe in Deutschland" in 1983. Played Teacher in "Lieber Karl" in 1984. Played Grzegorz in "Jestem przeciw" in 1985. Played Daniel in "Casablanca, Casablanca" in 1985. Played Paul Bronnen in "Music Hall" in 1986. Played Michal Katny in "Siekierezada" in 1986. Played Leo Jogiches in "Rosa Luxemburg" in 1986. Played Yuli in "Mosca addio" in 1987. Played Jan Bergman in "Coup de foudre" in 1988. Performed in "Kampf der Tiger" in 1988. Played Hared, the blind man in "Il segreto del Sahara" in 1988. Played Victor in "Haute tension" in 1988. Played Interior Ministry Official in "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" in 1988. Performed in "To Kill a Priest" in 1988. Played Roland Korsky in "Coplan" in 1989. Performed in "Isabella la ladra" in 1989. Played Janusz in "Dekalog" in 1989. Played Adriano in "La bugiarda" in 1989. Played Orestis in "To teleftaio stoihima" in 1989. Played Roger in "Chillers" in 1990. Performed in "Babochki" in 1991. Played Alberto in "Lazos de sangre" in 1992. Performed in "Korotkoe dykhanie lyubvi" in 1992. Played Anton in "Le vin qui tue" in 1993. Played Rafal Nawrot in "Kolejnosc uczuc" in 1993. Played Stepan in "Moi Ivan, toi Abraham" in 1993. Played French lawyer in "Lepiej byc piekna i bogata" in 1993. Performed in "Dinozavris kvertskhi" in 1993. Played Neuffer in "Transatlantis" in 1995. Played Borys in "Pestka" in 1995. Performed in "Truck Stop" in 1996. Played Professor in "Poznan 56" in 1996. Performed in "Dzieje mistrza Twardowskiego" in 1996. Played Limov in "Balkan Island: The Last Story of the Century" in 1997. Played himself in "No Fish No Meat" in 1997. Played Franciszek in "Dzieci i ryby" in 1997. Performed in "Il figlio di Sandokan" in 1998. Played Witold in "Ostatni krag" in 1998. Played Kopnovskiy in "Sibirskiy tsiryulnik" in 1998. Played Gerwazy in "Pan Tadeusz" in 1999. Played Jan Rapasiewicz in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Played Tuhaj-Bej in "Ogniem i mieczem" in 1999. Played Seweryn in "To ja, zlodziej" in 2000. Played Prince of Elfs in "Wiedzmin" in 2001. Played Szymon Gajowiec in "Przedwiosnie" in 2001. Played Dyndalski in "Zemsta" in 2002. Played Frank in "Nitschewo" in 2003. Played Piastun in "Stara basn. Kiedy slonce bylo bogiem" in 2003. Played Jan Olbrych in "Fala zbrodni" in 2003. Played Gajowiec Szymon in "Przedwiosnie" in 2003. Played Lord de Winter in "Milady" in 2004. Played Krzysztof Brodecki in "Kryminalni" in 2004. Performed in "Break Point" in 2004. Played Nassaiev in "Anthony Zimmer" in 2005. Played Witold Nowacki in "Niania" in 2005. Played Strombah in "Gibel imperii" in 2005. Played McLaughlin in "Turetskiy gambit" in 2005. Played Himself - Guest in "Szymon Majewski show" in 2005. Played Toni in "Dwie strony medalu" in 2007. Played Taxi polonais in "Un homme et son chien" in 2008. Played Romuald Zajkowski in "Kryptonim Gracz" in 2008. Played Trener Jacek Malec in "Naznaczony" in 2009. Played himself in "Ja Wam to Zagram" in 2009. Played Wit in "Rewizyta" in 2009. Played Akowiec in "Mniejsze zlo" in 2009. Played Dr. Gebauer in "Idealny facet dla mojej dziewczyny" in 2009. Played Krasnevsky in "Taras Bulba" in 2009. Played Orlov in "Salt" in 2010. Played Szlachcic in "Sluby panienskie" in 2010. Played Radwanski in "Z milosci" in 2011. Played Waldecks Opa in "Wintertochter" in 2011. Played Gustaw Keller in "Lekarze" in 2012. Played Gustaw Majer in "Komisarz Alex" in 2012. Played Werner in "Hans Kloss. Stawka wieksza niz smierc" in 2012. Played Marcin Kazimierz Katski in "11 settembre 1683" in 2012. Played Roman in "The Hardy Bucks Movie" in 2013. Played Professor Shteiman in "Passenger from San Francisco" in 2013. Played Bozek in "Sep" in 2013. Played Yanush Petelitski, menedzher NKhL in "Legenda No. 17" in 2013.