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The cast of Coup pour coup - 1972 includes: Simone Aubin Jacqueline Auzellaud Antoinette Barrois Ginette Bellegueule Jacques Bellegueule Paul Bertault Martine Berthelin Patricia Berthon Marcel Boche Sylvianne Broucker Patrick Cabouat Martine Cailly Lucie Chemin Florence Cian Jacqueline Clouet Eva Damien Nelly Debert Maite Delamare Martine Delaunay Annie Demarest Marin Karmitz Roger Knobelspiess Christine Lipinska Jean Philippe Delamarre

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The cast of La Jalousie - 1972 includes: Michael Degen as Frank Vadim Glowna as Stimme Ingrid Resch as Die Frau

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