The cast of Der Fluch der Menschheit - 1920 includes: Frau Funk Felix Hecht as Die Graf Alexander Rostov Bela Lugosi as Andrew Fleurot Lee Parry as Tatiana aka Marie Dorouska Reinhold Pasch Herr Schmasow Robert Scholz as Ivan Michelov aka Dimitri
The cast of A Champion Loser - 1920 includes: June Love Harry Sweet
The cast of Annette Kellerman in High Diving - 1920 includes: Annette Kellerman as herself
The cast of Gens nova - 1920 includes: Guelfo Bertocchi Giovanni Cimara Oreste Grandi Narciso Maffeis Maria Roasio Roberto Villani
The cast of Il faro n. 13 - 1920 includes: Giannetto Casaleggio Francesco Casaleggio Mario Casaleggio Elena Sangro
The cast of Cupid the Cowpuncher - 1920 includes: Cordelia Callahan as Mrs. Bergin Helene Chadwick as Macie Sewell Roy Laidlaw as Dr. Billy Trowbridge Nelson McDowell as Sheriff Bergin Tex Parker as Monkey Mike Andrew Robson as Zack Sewell Will Rogers as Alec Lloyd Catherine Wallace as Rose Lloyd Whitlock as Dr. Leroy Simpson
The cast of Buggins - 1920 includes: Leon Errol
The cast of Ducks - 1920 includes: Earle Rodney
The cast of Marry Me - 1920 includes: Vera Steadman
The cast of Foiled - 1920 includes: Billy West
The cast of The Dodger - 1920 includes: Billy West
The cast of The Bringers - 1920 includes: Ralph Ince
The cast of Samvittighedskvaler - 1920 includes: Alfi Zangenberg
The cast of The Wildcat - 1920 includes: Texas Guinan
The cast of The Glutton - 1920 includes: Billy Franey
The cast of The Hasher - 1920 includes: Billy Franey
The cast of Cupid - 1920 includes: Helene Chadwick
The cast of Alarmtopf - 1920 includes: Ferry Sikla