The cast of Hans Kones Veninde - 1919 includes: Ingeborg Bitter as Mrs. Rank Gudrun Bruun Stephensen as Lilli Anton De Verdier as Kai Wenge Lauritz Olsen as Rank Olga Svendsen as Bertha
The cast of Hans Kones Mand - 1922 includes: Lilly Jansen as Susse Lauritz Olsen as Pipo Fuglio Oscar Stribolt as Nicolaysen
The cast of C.H.P. Affair - 2000 includes: Paul Gator Rob Kones Drew Larson Dino Serrano Mickey Squires
Kipkalya Kones died in 2008.
Kipkalya Kones was born in 1952.
The cast of Min kones ferie - 1967 includes: Poul Bundgaard as Hr. Danbo Dario Campeotto as Den syngende kapelmester Jeanne Darville as Hotellets bartenderske Dan Fosse as Rensdyrkusken Henry Nielsen as Receptionist Kirsten Passer as Lensbaronesse Malene Schwartz as Antikvitetshandlerske Tenna Bodil Steen as Fru Maria Kirsten Walther as Sygeplejerske
Ingeborg Bitter has: Played Mother Superior in "Den moderne Messalina" in 1914. Performed in "Pigespejderen" in 1918. Played Baroness Lembrowska in "Prinsessens Tilbeder" in 1918. Performed in "Studentmagersvenden" in 1919. Played Mrs. Rank in "Hans Kones Veninde" in 1919.
The cast of Aufbruch der Blutcrew - 1984 includes: Andreas Alt as Mann mit Heugabel Michael Gutmann as Herbert Jo Heim as Bike-Kones Susanne Hertel as Pokerface Anneliese Jeitner as Oma Plissken Sebastian Lentz as Doc Sauerbruch Britta Midderhoff as McCoy Carola Nack as Gundel Marion Ohlson as Shanghai-Lili Roland Rech as Mann mit Axt Oliver Strietzel as Narrator Stefan Wood as Robis Double
Gourmet Kones - pizza-in-a-cone is situated at Shp 1 / 30 Glynburn Rd Hectorville SA 5073 (PH: 08 8337 7931). Gourmet Kones is Adelaide's original pizza-cone cafe and is the only store selleing an extensive range of pizza-cones in South Australia, from classic flavours to mouth-watering gourmet varieties. Gourmet Kones is the original and the best and also caters for the sweet tooth, offering sweetkones, italian gelati, gourmet deserts, cakes and coffee.
He may have some children, but although polygamy is legal in Kenya, there is no way he had many daughters to women at the same time. What aer the chances of that happening when he is supposed to have possibly 40 daughters born at the same time. The same story about dying in a plane crash and suddenly finding out the person's father had left a fortune in a bank in Burkina Faso and that the daughter was in her first year at university and wants to enter a different country so that she can continue her university. It was when I learned 4 names with the same story that I realised that something wasn't making sense, but 40 names?!! Come on now, credit me with some intelligence, please!
A sweet, creamy treat usually put on a cone.
Dan Fosse has: Performed in "Kvinnens plass" in 1956. Performed in "Gylne ungdom" in 1956. Performed in "Peter van Heeren" in 1957. Played Ola Gliset, oppasser in "Smuglere i smoking" in 1957. Performed in "Veien tilbake" in 1960. Played Nille in "Pappa tar gull" in 1964. Performed in "Kontorsjef Tangen" in 1966. Played Rensdyrkusken in "Min kones ferie" in 1967. Performed in "Skipper Worse" in 1968. Played Mann i riksbiblotekarkivet in "Fleksnes fataliteter" in 1972. Played Jens Olsen in "Barselstuen" in 1973. Played Emanuel in "Under en steinhimmel" in 1974. Played Joachim, hushovmester in "Olsenbanden for full musikk" in 1976.
Olga Svendsen has: Played Her Grace in "Brudekjolen" in 1911. Played Madam Frandsen in "Hovmod staar for Fald" in 1911. Played Mrs. Andersen in "Det store Fald" in 1911. Played Mette in "Gaardmandsdatteren" in 1912. Played Negerbonne in "Et pokkers Pigebarn" in 1912. Played Nicoline Svedskesen in "Lumpacivagabundus" in 1912. Performed in "Lykkens lunefulde Spil" in 1913. Performed in "Et Mandfolk til Auktion" in 1913. Performed in "Sladder" in 1913. Performed in "Professor Buchs Rejseeventyr" in 1913. Performed in "Husassistenten" in 1914. Performed in "En dejlig Dag" in 1916. Performed in "Gullasch Grossererens Vogter" in 1916. Performed in "Den sjette Sans" in 1917. Performed in "Jalousiens Magt" in 1918. Played Stine - House Keeper in "Pigespejderen" in 1918. Played Madame Bromberg in "Den lille Virtuos" in 1918. Performed in "Ung Pige i Huset" in 1918. Played Mette in "Damernes Ridder" in 1918. Performed in "De er splittergale" in 1919. Played Thusnelda in "Med og uden Kone" in 1919. Performed in "Agentens Tvillinger" in 1919. Played Francis Challoner in "Skandalemageren" in 1919. Played Bertha in "Hans Kones Veninde" in 1919. Played Aunt Julie in "Blind Passager" in 1920. Performed in "Evas Forlovelse" in 1920. Played The Lady in "Film, flirt og forlovelse" in 1921. Played Mrs. Nokkesen in "Harestegen" in 1921. Played Widow Lykke in "Han, hun og Hamlet" in 1922. Performed in "Potteplanten" in 1922. Played Landlady in "Peter Ligeglad paa Eventyr" in 1923. Performed in "Jokeren" in 1928. Played Tanten in "Fy og Bi i Kantonnement" in 1931. Played Die Pensionswirtin in "Krudt med knald" in 1931. Played Institutsbestyrerinde in "Han, hun og Hamlet" in 1932. Played Forfatterinden in "Med fuld musik" in 1933. Performed in "Provinsen kalder" in 1935. Played Hansine in "Kidnapped" in 1935. Played Syngende Havfrue in "Snushanerne" in 1936.