The cast of Especial Nochebuena 1970 - 1970 includes: Betty Missiego as Herself - Performer Nati Mistral as Herself - Performer
The cast of Especial Tina Turner - 1996 includes: Tina Turner as herself
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Especial Nochebuena 1976 - 1976 includes: Massiel as Herself - Performer Peret as Himself - Performer Julio Iglesias as Himself - Performer Lina Morgan as herself Juan Pardo as Himself - Performer
The cast of Especial Nochebuena 2001 con Raphael - 2001 includes: Sara Baras as herself Los Chunguitos as Themselves Lolita Flores as herself Sara Salazar as herself Aroa Salazar as herself
The cast of Especial Nochebuena Raphael 2002 - 2002 includes: David Bisbal as himself Sergio Dalma as himself Tiziano Ferro as himself Lolita Flores as herself The Miami Sound Machine Lina Morgan as herself
The cast of Especial Nochebuena 1978 - 1978 includes: Ana Anguita as Herself - Performer Fofito as Fofito Mikaela as Herself - Performer Helena Bianco as Herself - Performer Enrique del Pozo as Himself - Performer Teresa Rabal as Herself - Hostess
The cast of Nochebuena - 2014 includes: Ignacio Guadalupe Genaro Mendoza Eduardo Minett
The cast of Nadie Especial - 2013 includes: Janet Oros
The cast of Telenoche especial - 2004 includes: Monica Mihanovich as herself
The cast of Especial Elecciones - 1999 includes: Olga Viza as Herself - Hostess
The cast of Nochebuena con Alejandro Sanz - 1995 includes: Alejandro Sanz as himself Tito Valverde as himself
The cast of Especial Tina Turner - 1996 includes: Tina Turner as herself
The cast of Especial Musical - 2006 includes: Eva Marcela Rodriguez as Herself - Host
The cast of Especial Marina Rossell - 1979 includes: Marina Rossell as herself