The cast of El curso habitual - 1983 includes: Mara Chavez Gisela Iranzo
The cast of Curso y recurso - 1984 includes: Ramiro Leiva Lucio Leiva Mario Struckel
The cast of Fin de curso - 1943 includes: Roberto Font as himself Fernando Freyre de Andrade Teresa Idel Enrique Jardiel Poncela as himself Alicia Palacios Mary Santpere Luchy Soto Vicente Vega
The cast of El curso en que amamos a Kim Novak - 1980 includes: Miguel Arribas as Gonzalo Roxanne Bach as La chica Mercedes Barranco Beatriz Elorrieta Antonio Gamero as Lorenzo Janet Harrison Cecilia Roth as Cristina
The cast of Curso del 99 - 1999 includes: Manuel Alexandre as himself Salvador Arias as himself Fali as himself Mercedes Barranco as herself Remedios Cervantes as herself Eva Cobo as herself Sergio Dalma as himself Chiquito de la Calzada as himself Lolita Flores as herself Paz Padilla as herself Eva Pedraza as herself
Curso means "course" in English.
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Gisela Iranzo has: Performed in "Mara de pronto" in 1982. Performed in "El curso habitual" in 1983. Performed in "Ianthe" in 1985. Performed in "El dedo en la llaga" in 1985. Performed in "Voces inesperadas" in 1985.
It means "the course" in English.
Curso Forex is a website about trading. Here one will find a lot of information on trading with forex, educational videos, recommended links, and a choice to get a subscription.
The phrase curso ofimatica directly translates into English as Computing Courses. Computing courses helps people understand how computers are developed and how they work.
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Os Velhos Marinheiros ou o Capitão de Longo Curso was created in 1961.