The cast of Auf den Spuren der Intuition - 2010 includes: Uto Baader as Himself - Vorstandsvorsitzender Baader Bank Isolde Barth as Narrator Ole Bischof as Himself - Judo-Olympiasieger Helge Burggrabe as Himself - Musiker und Komponist Lorna Byrne as Herself - Schriftstellerin Gerwin Eisenhauer as Himself - Schlagzeuger Carsten Fabian as Narrator Sven Faller as Himself - Bassist Paul Ferrini as Himself - Schriftsteller Arno Gruen as Himself - Psychologe und Psychoanalytiker Boris Grundl as Himself - Inhaber der Grundl Leadership Akademie Coco Hartmann as Himself - IT-Fachmann Varda Hasselmann as Herself - Autorin Thorsten Havener as Himself - Gedankenleser Sepp Holzer as Himself - Landwirt, Permakultur Christina Kessler as Herself - Ethnologin Paul Kohtes as Himself - PR-Manager und Zen-Lehrer Alev Kowalzik as Herself - Musikerin und Musiktherapeutin Alexander Lauterwasser as Himself - Klangforscher Dieter Leipold as Himself - Braumeister Ralph Linde as Himself - Leiter, Konzern-Personalentwicklung, Volkswagen AG Inge Neubauer as Herself - Personalleiterin Thich Nhat Hanh as Himself - Zen-Meister Safi Nidiaye as Herself - Schriftstellerin Michael Osang as Himself - Kinderarzt Naupany Puma as Himself - Sonnenpriester der Inka Herta Richter as Herself - Atemtherapeutin Franz Ruppert as Himself - Psychologischer Psychotherapeut Rupert Sheldrake as Himself - Biologe Tania Singer as Herself - Neurowissenschaftlerin Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo as Herself - Buddhistische Nonne und Lehrerin Konstantin Wecker as Himself - Liedermacher Anton Zeilinger as Himself - Experimentalphysiker Geraldine Zeller as Herself - Sopranistin
The cast of Eine Stunde Aufenthalt - 2010 includes: Bjoern Ballbach as Porter Ulrike Behrmann von Zerboni as Blind Lady Benedikt Blaskovic as Son of Heribert Donath Angelika Gersdorf as Temptress Anatoly Kovalenko as Penitent Sebastian Martens as Boy Stephan Menzel Gehrke as Paul Viktor Myutnikov as Priest Igor Pekhovich as Paul Sergei Remmekh as Porter Ute Rueppel as Anna von dem Hugel Ramona Schullerer as Girl Katja Wischinski as Anna von dem Hugel
The cast of Sechs Tage Angst - 2010 includes: Wolfram Berger as Mirko Nolte Ludwig Boettger as Dr. Blumhardt Harald Heinz Marco Luca Castelli as Handlanger von Mankoff Dirk Martens as Peter Mankoff Tristan Materna as Staatsanwalt Fjodor Olev as Igor Schaposchnikow Natalia Rudziewicz as Nadescha Schaposchnikow Max Ruhbaum as Herr Sturm Simona Sbaffi Kai Scheve as Dominik Tanner Anna Stieblich as Marietta
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Blaue Stunde - 1967 includes: Greta Keller as Singer
The cast of Stunde der Wahrheit - 1958 includes: Elisabeth Bergner
The cast of Die rote Stunde - 2008 includes: Miriam Bliese as Mandy
The cast of Rudis halbe Stunde - 1989 includes: Rudi Carrell as Himself - Host
The cast of Die Stunde der Vergeltung - 1914 includes: Erna Morena
The cast of Eine halbe Stunde Vater - 1919 includes: Richard Waldemar
The cast of In letzter Stunde - 1919 includes: Hans Marr Gretl Ruth Julius Strobl
The cast of Spielwagen - 1981 includes: Bernd Stunde
The cast of Ernst ist die Stunde - 1954 includes: Gerry Wolff as Narrator
The cast of Die spanische Stunde - 1967 includes: Oskar Czerwenka as Ramiro Kurt Wehofschitz as Torquemada
The cast of Die tote Stunde - 1920 includes: Friedrich Feher John Gottowt Lu Synd
The cast of Die dunkle Stunde - 1913 includes: Max Mack Toni Sylva Hanni Weisse