The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Satanasso - 1913 includes: Frederico Elvezi Gero Zambuto Claudia Zambuto as Fedora
The cast of La compagnia si fa Strada - 2009 includes: Walter Izzo
The cast of La compagnia dei matti - 1928 includes: Alex Bernard as Piero Scavezza Giuseppe Brignone as Sioria Cellio Bucchi as Conte Bardonazzi Vasco Creti as Momi Tamberlan Vittorio De Sica as Prof. Rosolillo Elena Lunda as Irma Lillian Lyl Andrea Miano Giuseppe Migliore Lili Migliore as Ginetta Felice Minotti Amilcare Taglienti Carlo Tedeschi as Bortolo Cioci
The cast of The Stranded Actors - 1912 includes: Mae Hotely
The cast of Titles - includes: Name
The cast of Directing Actors - 2014 includes: Ellie Kanner as herself
The cast of Actors Hotel - 1951 includes: William Edmunds as Carlo Corelli
The cast of Me - 2003 includes: Andrew Kotting
The cast of If and Then - 2013 includes: Libi Striegl
The cast of Him - 1984 includes: Phyllis Wright
The cast of No - 2003 includes: Masatoshi Ito
The cast of In and Out - 1915 includes: Sadie Lindblom