The cast of Die Tochter des Bombardon - 1982 includes: Werner Asam as Xaver jun. Gustl Bayrhammer as Michl Bombardon Rolf Castell as Xaver sen. Walter Fitz as Herr Pogroder Karl Helm as Begleiter Ruth Kappelsberger as Walli, Bombers Frau Kristina Nel as Brigi Bombardon Elmar Wepper as Wastle
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Die Tochter des Bombardon - 1964 includes: Maxl Graf as Wastl Georg Hartl as Begleiter Ursula Herion as Brigitte Bombardon, Tochter Michl Lang as Bombardon Marianne Lindner as Wally Bombardon Karl Peukert as Prologus Alfred Pongratz as Wirt Fritz Strassner as Xaverl sen.
The cast of Meine Tochter - Deine Tochter - 1918 includes: Lena Amsel
The cast of Eine verlorene Tochter - 1924 includes: Josef Commer
The cast of Ich will meine Tochter - 2003 includes: Irmelin Beringer
The cast of Frau Hempels Tochter - 1919 includes: Max Adalbert
The cast of Honeckers vergessene Tochter - 1991 includes: Amanda Ooms
The cast of Meine Tochter - deine Tochter - 1985 includes: Kristina Heynert Gerd Klotzek Steffi Pattloch Ursula Staack Martina Wilke
The cast of Benazir Bhutto - Tochter der Macht - 2005 includes: Benazir Bhutto as herself
The cast of Des Prokurators Tochter - 1917 includes: Grit Hegesa Adolf Klein Hermann Thimig Ria Witt
The cast of Die Tochter des Wucherers - 1922 includes: Lee Parry Olaf Storm Max Wogritsch
The cast of The Golden Cross - 1914 includes: Arthur Ellery as The Count Maude Fealy as Christine John Lehnberg as Sergeant Bombardon
The cast of Die Tochter des Rajah - 1918 includes: Maria Forescu Magda Madeleine Leopold von Ledebur